Simple, powerful and unobstrusive event driven architecture framework for ruby. This gem provides a base framework in order to build a more powerful event based system on top of it. Events cuts across multiple objects and allows you to cleanly separate business logic to other cross cutting concerns like analytics and logging. Multiple events are consolidated allowing you to efficiently batch related operations together.
Also allows for a customizable backend which enables the use of various evented queuing mechanisms like redis queue, amazon SQS with minimal changes to your code that generates the events.
Add this line to your application's Gemfile:
gem 'resugan'
And then execute:
$ bundle
Or install it yourself as:
$ gem install resugan
Register listeners, using :
_listener :event1 do |array_of_params|
puts "hello! event 2 has been called!"
_listener :hay do |array_of_params|
puts "hello! someone said hay!"
Listeners are basically code that listens to an event, in this case :event1 and :hay. an array of params equal to the number of times that specific event was captured will be passed. So if :event1 was called twice, array_of_params will contain 2 elements.
Generate events using _fire and wrap them in a resugan block:
resugan {
puts "I am now going to generate an event"
_fire :event2
_fire :hay
_fire :bam, { some_param: 'param' } # you can pass hashes to add meta to the event
The _fire method is available inside all objects, however the events won't be collected unless within the context of a resugan block. The idea is that you can prepackage a library that fires those events but won't actually get used until someone specifically listens for it.
Note that events don't have to be fired at the top level of the block, even objects used inside the block can invoke fire to generate an event.
The two events should fire and should print:
hello! event 2 has been called!
hello! someone said hay!
Note that your listener will be executed once even if an event has been fired multiple times. However params will contain the payload of both events. This allows you to batch together requests and efficiently dispatch them as a group.
Helpers are available to make listening firing events a little bit cleaner:
class TestObject
include Resugan::ObjectHelpers
This basically allows for the attach_hook to be available
class TestObject
include Resugan::ObjectHelpers
def method2
_fire :event1
def method3
_fire :event2, param1: "hello"
attach_hook :method2
attach_hook :method3, namespace: "namespace1"
What this does is it essentially wraps the specified methods inside a resugan block.
Please see spec/resugan_spec.rb for more examples and details.
Resugan supports namespaces, allowing you to group listeners and trigger them separately
_listener :event1, namespace: "group1" do |array_of_params|
puts "hello! event 2 has been called!"
_listener :event1, namespace: "group2" do |array_of_params|
puts "hello! someone said hay!"
_listener :log, namespace: %w(group1 group2) do |array_of_params|
array_of_params.each {
puts "listener that belongs to 2 namespaces"
resugan "group1" do
_fire :event1
_fire :log
resugan "group2" do
_fire :event1
_fire :log
Behavior is as expected. Events under group1 will only be handled by listeners under group1 and so on.
The above should print:
hello! event 2 has been called!
listener that belongs to 2 namespaces
hello! someone said hay!
listener that belongs to 2 namespaces
Resugan will by default only resolve events at the outermost resugan context of a namespace.
_listener :event1 do |array_of_params|
puts "hello! event 1"
_listener :event2, namespace: "group2" do |array_of_params|
puts "hello! event 1"
resugan {
_fire :event1
resugan {
_fire :event2
If there are nested resugan blocks note that event dispatch will occur at the outermost context. Output will be:
hello! event 1
hello! event 2
To force the innermost block to immediately resolve, use resugan! instead (or set Kernel.config.reuse_top_level_context = false globally):
resugan {
_fire :event1
resugan! {
_fire :event2
Since the inner block will be resolved first, Output will be:
hello! event 2
hello! event 1
the _listener always creates a new listener for an event, so if it so happens that the code that creates those listeners gets executed again it will create another one. if you want to make sure that listener only gets executed once you can pass an id option:
_listener :event1, id: 'no_other_listener_like_this' do |array|
# some code that gets executed
Or you can use the _listener! form which make sure a certain block is limited to only a single instance.
2.times do |i|
_listener! :event1 do |array|
# There will be only one instance of this listener no matter how many times it is defined
The way events are consumed is entirely customizable. You can register your own event dispatcher:
class MyCustomerDispatcher
def dispatch(namespace, events)
events.each do |k,v|
Resugan::Kernel.invoke(namespace, k, v)
You need to implement your own dispatch method, captured events are passed as parameters.
You can then set it as the default dispatcher:
Or assign it to a specific namespace:
Resugan::Kernel.register_dispatcher(MyCustomerDispatcher, 'CustomGroup')
This allows you to use various queue backends per namespace, like resugan-worker for example.
Sometimes you need to track where events are fired. You can do so by enabling line tracing:
Resugan::Kernel.config do |c|
c.line_trace_enabled = true
Line source should now be passed as params everytime you fire an event. You can also view it by dumping a resugan context.
puts(resugan {
_fire :event1
{:event1=>[{:params=>{:_source=>"/Users/jedld/workspace/resugan/spec/resugan_spec.rb:144:in `block (5 levels) in <top (required)>'"}}]}
By default, resugan uses the Resugan::Engine::InlineDispatcher as the default dispatcher for all namespaces. For performance reasons, params passed to the _fire method are passed as is, but there are times when you want to simulate params that are passed using JSON.parse as is the case when using a custom dispatcher that uses redis (see resugan-worker). In this case you may set MarshalledInlineDispatcher as the default dispatcher for test and development environment instead (e.g. rails):
Resugan::Kernel.set_default_dispatcher(Resugan::Engine::MarshalledInlineDispatcher) if Rails.env.development? || Rails.env.test?
Below are projects that extend resugan.
A project that wraps resugan listeners to be consumed using an external worker. Think of this as a redis queue backend. Can also be used as a sample on how to extend resugan.
RSpec helpers are available:
wisper ( - An excellent gem that focuses on a coupled pub-sub model. Though its global listeners somehow have the same effect though in a syntactically different way.
event_bus ( - Loosely coupled pub-sub similar to resugan
After checking out the repo, run bin/setup
to install dependencies. Then, run rake spec
to run the tests. You can also run bin/console
for an interactive prompt that will allow you to experiment.
To install this gem onto your local machine, run bundle exec rake install
. To release a new version, update the version number in version.rb
, and then run bundle exec rake release
, which will create a git tag for the version, push git commits and tags, and push the .gem
file to
Bug reports and pull requests are welcome on GitHub at[USERNAME]/resugan. This project is intended to be a safe, welcoming space for collaboration, and contributors are expected to adhere to the Contributor Covenant code of conduct.
The gem is available as open source under the terms of the MIT License.