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Research Challenge: Malware Classification based on Network Packet Captures


This repository is part of the interview process of adAPT machine learning security researchers. The challenge is described below. The Elastic model deployment pipeline that is part of the deliverables of this project is found at this link (and below).

Final Report

Please see for the final report required by this exercise

Running the code

Virtual Environment Init

There are 2 ways to initialize the virtual environment I used

  1. If you are on POSIX with make, you can run make init
    • That will install virtual environment and install both requirements.txt and requirements-dev.txt
  2. If you do not have access to the make system, simply run
    1. python -m venv .venv
    2. On POSIX: ./.venv/bin/activate or on Windows: .\.venv\Scripts\activate
    3. pip install -r requirements.txt
  3. Optionally you can install requirements-dev.txt for pytest and black. These libraries are installed with make init

Feature generation

  • Run the notebook feature_generation.ipynb, which implements all feature generation code (separated out from model generation)
    • Two files are created from this process that are subsequently read as input into build_and_run_model.ipynb)
      • benign_features.pkl
      • malicious_features.pkl
  • This notebook takes approximately 1m 40s to run on my system

Model generation

  • Run the notebook build_and_run_model.ipynb to read inputs (above), create training sets, and train the model.
  • The same notebook provides evaluation outputs at the end.
  • The entire process takes significant time on my macbook pro
    • Cell 8 (~2.5 minutes): prepares the input data for use in a ML model.
    • Cell 11 (~2.75 minutes): Creates training and testing data sets
    • Cell 16 (~2 minutes): Trains the model


There is minimal testing included in this code base. It is primary to check if the pcap parsers functioned properly.

The tests either raise an exception or pass


Brief overview of malware classifica0on

Malware classification is a common problem in cybersecurity. It is defined as the issue of recognizing malicious vs benign software based on its characteristics and behavior. Malware classification can be performed with the following techniques: i. signature-based detection, ii. behavioral analysis, and iii. Machine Learning based detection. ML is a particularly attractive approach since there are daily new malware strains that cannot be detected by signatures, or their behavior pattern is unknown. However, the ML approach to solving the malware detection problem, is prone to false positives or negatives due to the unknown malware characteristics.

Importance of classification based on network packet captures

In this challenge, we are asking you to use network packet captures (pcap files) to classify malware. Packet captures include packet information from the full OSI network stack. Packets can be captured and analyzed in real time by security sensors, and thus they are preferred for real time malware detection. However, they do not include the full picture of malware behavior, such as API calls and permissions, and therefore may cause inaccuracy in classification.

Research question: Can machine learning models be used to accurately classify malware based on packet captures?

This is an important question to the field of cybersecurity because it can have a high impact on real time detection of threats and isolation of infected assets to minimize the effects of a cyber attack. The advantage of using network traffic is that if the malware engages in network activity, detection is performed in real time and prevention is rapid. However, if the malware does not engage in network activity, then a wealth of information is lacking from the packet capture data, such as API calls, permissions, and other characteristics of malware.

Note: This is not a big data processing project. The purpose of this project is for you to demonstrate how you would approach a common cybersecurity problem with ML. We do not expect the perfect solution or a production grade solution.

You may use GPT assistants for your solution. However, you need to fully test the solution, ensure you can analyze its details, and answer any technical question.


Description of the dataset

The dataset provided was downloaded from two sources:

  1. stored in To unzip the malware pcap files you will need to use the password: “infected”
  2. stored in The first dataset includes known malware and the second includes benign network traffic. You will find the datasets in this public repo:

Data preprocessing steps

You will need to label the data based on the information given above and make sure that you have a Python library that can read pcap files. You may label a whole pcap sample with 1 for malicious and 0 for benign. You may choose not to label the data and use a different set of algorithms for classification.

Feature engineering techniques

The data that we provide is raw, therefore you will have to perform your own feature engineering.


Overview of machine learning algorithms

You can use more than one ML algorithms for classification. You may use supervised, unsupervised, or reinforcement learning. We are not looking for one solution fits all, just your unique way to approach the problem.

Evaluation metrics

You will need to evaluate the accuracy of your model with any metrics that you consider appropriate.

ML Ops

Design a pipeline for your model in Elastic. The pipeline should include the technologies that you will use, whether this is Elastic or others, for the following:

  • Feature registry,
  • Model registry,
  • Model Deployment,
  • Testing.

Submit a diagram of this pipeline. Use arrows to indicate data flow.
Note: You do not need to submit an implementation of this pipeline.


  • A private GitHub or Gitlab repository that you will add Xenia as collaborator
    • Xenia’s GitHub handle: mundruid, Xenia’s GitLab handle: drx42.
    • The repo will include your code and documentation.
    • Please send an email that your work is done, and you have added Xenia as collaborator by Monday, May 15, EOD (midnight UTC) to
  • Python code that you used to process the data and create your models. Please submit your code in the form of Jupyter notebooks with their output and a requirements.txt with all the packages that you used. Note: you may dockerize your solution. Include instructions in your README on how we can run your code.
  • The report should be in the file named: Your report needs to describe your solutions and rationale. Describe your solutions and justifications to the following:
    • feature engineering,
    • model selection,
    • cross validation technique (if you used it),
    • evaluation,
    • results, and
    • how you can improve upon your results.
  • A diagram of a pipeline for your model deployed in Elastic. Describe this diagram in a section of your report.


The diagram of the Elastic inference pipeline

flowchart LR
    subgraph Jupyter & Python: Feature Collection & Extraction
    NBD[(Network Batch Data)]
    NSD[/Network Streaming Data/]
    NBD --> FTG{{Feature Transforms / Generator}}
    NSD --> FTG
    subgraph Feast: Feature Storage
    FTG --> FR[(Feature Registry)]
    FTG --> DL[(Data Lake storing network data </br> enriched with features)]
    subgraph KubeFlow: Model Training, Deployment, & Registration 
    FR --> ModTrn{{Model Training}}
    ModTrn --> MR[(Model Registry)]
    MR --> MD[TensorFlow Model Service]
    MD --> PD{{Online Prediction Testing}}
    PD -- iterate --> MR
    subgraph Elastic UI & Model Inference
    MR --> Elastic[Elastic]


Classification of malware based on supervised learning






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