Aim of this talk was to show how to extract publically available climate data and use various open source python modules to wrangle multi-dimensional climate data.
Main dependency: Python 3.6
Clone the repo and follow the following steps
Using basemap on windows without anaconda is a complicated task. Using pip to install basemap requires some additional steps.
I have tried to make it simple here by providing you the necessary steps needed to get this to work in windows.
If you are using a linux enviornment and / or anaconda in windows these hurdles are next to non-existent!
conda install basemap
Step 1
- If your are not using conda to install basemap, download the basemap module from this link:
IMPORTANT: Depending on the python version you have in your system download the appropriate amd64.whl version.
- Download this file and move it to the project folder (git cloned folder): "basemap‑1.2.2‑cp36‑cp36m‑win_amd64.whl"
Step 2
Download the sample netcdf data from this link ""
The talk covers different sources you can use to get such netcdf files, but the file about is just a sample required to run the juypter notebook
Move the downloaded file to the "Data" folder in the project directory
Step 3
- Open powershell in the project folder path
- Activate a virtual environment in the project folder in your virtual environment
If you dont have a virtual env set up a. Install virtualenv to your main python installation (global install)
pip install virtualenv
b. Navigate to the cloned folder of the repo and run (this creates a virtual enviornment)
virtualenv env (You can name it as you like. Here I use "env")
c. Activate the virtual enviornment
env/Scripts/activate (For windows)
d. Now you will see the "env" showup in the command line. This means you are on a virtual enviornment of python
Step 4
To install basemap in windows use (Ensure Step 3 is done else you will install these onto the global python installation)
pip install basemap-1.2.2-cp36-cp36m-win_amd64.whl
This command should install all other project dependencies. requirements.txt contains the list of modules required.
pip install -r requirements.txt
Step 5 Run jupyter notebook from the project directory
jupyter notebook
Step 6 Double click on the file : "Wrangling_climatedata.ipynb"
- jeev20