Use RDF to create data-driven apps, web pages, and user interfaces
This is a Work in Progress. It works fine but I have not finalized the ontology, cleaned the code or re-added things like forms which worked in a previous version.
Please see this demo for simple examples and this website for a website that is entirely built using this library.
You need to include mashlib and comunica in your HTML. The easiest way is using CDNs. See the sample.html.
A Component combines a way to get data (a DataSource) with a way to display it (a Template).
a ui:Component ;
ui:dataSource [a ui:DataSource] ;
ui:template [a ui:Template] .
There are built in templates for many common interactive user interface widgets - menus, tabs, accordions, tables, with slideshows, forms, and more coming soon. For built-in templates, you can simply name the template and optionally use template predicates (see below) to customize the template.
a ui:MenuTemplate ;
ui:orientation "horizontal" ;
ui:position "right" .
You can also create any template you'd like using Javascript template strings. For example this would create a list, populating each item with a row of data from the dataSource.
a ui:Template;
ui:before "<ul>" ;
ui:recurring "<li>${data_from_query}</li>" ;
ui:after "</ul>" .
There are three basic kinds of DataSources - SparqlQuery, Collection, and Link.
a ui:SparqlQuery ;
endpoint <MyEndpoint-Can-be-Multiple> ;
query """My SPARQL Query String""" .
a ui:Collection ;
ui:parts ( <#A> <#B> <#C> ) .
a ui:Link ;
ui:label "MyLabel" ;
ui:acceptFormat "application/json" ;
ui:href <URL> .
Components may be included anywhere in a web page like so:
Stuff Before
<div data-solid_uic="myRDF.ttl#myComponent"></div>
Stuff After
Coponents can call other components, so it's quite possible to have an entire site or app generated from a single HTML insert. While the components can make use of Javascript you supply, no coding is necessary - the components have interactivity built in.
Components can also be included as a library and called from a script. For example, this returns a fully active DOM element.
const element = await solidUIC.processComponent('component-URL');
You can now walk the DOM tree of the element or insert it into a page.
© Jeff Zucker, 2021 all rights reserved; May be freely distributed under an MIT license.