This is a small app for periodically checking websites that host Covid vaccination appointment availability, and notifying when availability opens up. It uses Wallaby for browser automation.
Install Erlang and Elixir. Instructions can be found on the Elixir installation page. The project contains a .tool-versions
file for use with asdf.
Install ChromeDriver. Mac users with Homebrew can install with:
brew install chromedriver
In the cloned project directory, run:
mix deps.get
# Dependency downloads...
mix run --no-halt
# Compilation and application start...
Accept installation of Hex and Rebar if prompted.
To tailor the application to your use case, implement a CrawlServer
from the patterns in CVSNYCrawler
and NYSCrawler
. Then reference them as children of the Application
See the Wallaby Browser
, Query
, and Element
APIs for info on how to work with the page.