This CLI package compares to the default branch and tells you which workspace packages have changed. It also outputs the changed packages in order of dependency. Ideally we can use this to get build order and bake it into automation without having to bring on Lerna. This is also only focused on GIT so if your repo isn't using git, then you're going to have a bad time.
Usage: workspaces [options]
Get the ordered list of which workspaces have changed since the reference commit
-V, --version output the version number
-r, --ref <value> Github ref to compare from. Can be `ref/tags/<tag>` or `<branch>` or `12345678987654321`
-p, --package <value> path to root package.json (default: "./package.json")
-i, --info Show verbose workspace info (default: false)
-j, --json Output as json (default: false)
-h, --help display help for command