This is my personal powershell profile that I clone between various Windows machines I work on
** Important: Copy "environment.example.ps1" to "environment.ps1" and edit the paths inside before use **
The profile imports posh-git, posh-hg and posh-svn to give auto-complete etc for working copies & clones
The profile also ensures that ssh-agent is running so you avoid having to type in your password every time you push/pull (ssh should be in your PATH for this to work)
I also add a few useful commands:
- gs -> "git status"
- n [path] -> "notepad"
- sudo [name] -> launch process as Administrator (in new window)
- hosts -> edit hosts file in notepad (will prompt for admin approval)
- dev -> jump to "Development" directory where you checkout your projects - tab-completion is provided for the folders under this dir (need to configure this in environment.ps1)
- dropbox -> jump to dropbox (need to configure this in environment.ps1)
- start-mongo -> Run MongoDb instance (need to configure this in environment.ps1)
- cd ~\Documents
- git clone git:// WindowsPowerShell
- cd WindowsPowerShell
- git submodule init
- git submodule update
- cp environment.example.ps1 environment.ps1
- notepad environment.ps1
Edit & save the file & restart the powershell console