A swift library for fast read and write CSV file. This library supports all Apple platform and Linux.
- get column by string subscript
- error
- initialization from string
- Convert JSON To CSV
- Convert CSV To JSON
- Swift 3.0+
If you want to use this package on Ubuntu, you shounld install with Swift Package Manager
In Package.swift
import PackageDescription
let package = Package(
name: "YourProject",
dependencies: [
.Package(url: "https://github.com/Nero5023/CSVParser",
majorVersion: 1),
Run command
$ swift build
To integrate CSVParser into your Xcode project using Carthage, specify it in your Cartfile
github "Nero5023/CSVParser" ~> 1.1.5
Run carthage update
to build the framework and drag the built CSVParser.framework
into your Xcode project.
let csv = try CSVParser(filePath: "path/to/csvfile")
//catch error
do {
let csv = try CSVParser(filePath: "path/to/csvfile")
}catch {
// Error handing
// Custom delimiter
do {
let csv = try CSVParser(filePath: "path/to/csvfile", delimiter: ";")
}catch {
// Error handing
// init from elements
let csv = try CSVParser(elements: [["a", "b", "c"], ["1", "2", "3"]])
do {
let csv = try CSVParser(filePath: "path/to/csvfile")
// get every row in csv
for row in csv {
print(row) // ["first column", "sceond column", "third column"]
// get row by int subscript
csv[10] // the No.10 row
// get column by string subscript
csv["id"] // column with header key "id"
}catch {
// Error handing
do {
let csv = try CSVParser(filePath: "path/to/csvfile")
// get every row in csv
csv[0] = ["test0", "test1", "test2"]
csv.wirite(toFilePath: "path/to/destination/file")
}catch {
// Error handing
// get row by int subscript
csv[10] // the No.10 row
// get column by string subscript
csv["id"] // column with header key "id"
for dic in csv.enumeratedWithDic() {
print(dic) // dic is [String: String]
The result json type is [{"header0": "a","header1": "b"},{"header0": "a", "header1": "b"}]
do {
let jsonStr = try csv.toJSON()
}catch {
// Error handing
Now only support this json type [{"header0": "a","header1": "b"},{"header0": "a", "header1": "b"}]
do {
let csvString = try CSVParser.jsonToCSVString(jsonData: jsonData) // jsonData is the Data type ot json
}catch {
// Error handing