Create a pull request from the command line, or attach a branch to an open GitHub issue converting it into a pull request.
$ git open-pull
git-open-pull takes the following optional arguments:
--interactive - boolean flag to turn off interactive mode; this is default set to true
--description-file - path to a file that contains your PR description
--title - string title for your PR
--labels - comma separated list of labels to be added to you PR
--version - print version of git-open-pull and Go
$ git open-pull --interactive=false --description-file="description.txt" --labels="label1, label2" --title="My PR Title"
Install from source, or visit the releases page
go install
If available, git-open-pull will use the following config values. When not available They will be requested on the command line. Note: storing your GitHub API credentials this way is not secure. Your API credentials will be stored in plain text.
user = ....
token = ..... # GitHub Access Token generated from
baseAccount = ....
baseRepo = .....
base = master
# Allow maintainers of the upstream repo to modify this branch
maintainersCanModify = true | false (default: true)
editor = /usr/bin/vi
Hooks. git-open-pull provides the ability to modify an issue template (preProcess or postProcess) or to be notified after a PR is created (callback). pre/post process commands are executed with the first argument continaing a filename with the issue template. Callback is executed with the first argument containing the filename of a file with the json results from the GitHub api of PR details
preProcess = /path/to/exe
postProcess = /path/to/exe
callback = /path/to/exe
git-open-pull will also look for the following environment variables, which will take precendence over values found in the config file.
Because the ideal workflow is issue -> branch -> pull request
this script
takes a GitHub issue and turns it into a pull request based on your branch
against master in the integration account
This project uses Go Modules to manage dependencies.
go build