A curated list of awesome TypeScript Typesafe
- ts-safeql/safeql - Validate and auto-generate TypeScript types from raw SQL queries in PostgreSQL.
- koskimas/kysely - A type-safe TypeScript SQL query builder.
- gajus/slonik - A Node.js PostgreSQL client with runtime and build-time type safety, and composable SQL.
- bridge-codes/bridge-mongo - A fully typed mongoose ORM.
- kristiandupont/kanel - Generate Typescript types from Postgres.
- samchon/safe-typeorm - TypeORM helper library enhancing safety in the compilation level.
- aerotoad/neboa - Type-safe NoSQL with Node & SQLite.
- wsporto/typesql - Generate Typescript API from raw MySQL queries. Supports MySQL, Sqlite and LibSQL (Turso).
- litdb/litdb - Lightweight RDBMS agnostic TypeScript/JS abstraction for SQLite, PostgreSQL and MySQL.
- trpc/trpc - Create end-to-end typesafe APIs with ease.
- ts-rest/ts-rest - RPC-like client, contract, and server implementation for a pure REST API.
- ardatan/feTS - TypeScript HTTP Framework focusing on e2e type-safety, easy setup, performance & great developer experience.
- betwixt-labs/tempo - Cross-platform, end-to-end typesafe APIs with low latency.
- stepci/garph - Fullstack GraphQL Framework for TypeScript.
- BetterTyped/hyper-fetch - Hyper Fetch is a data-exchange framework focusing on type-safe design and ease of use.
- type-predicate-generator - 100% type safe predicates for JSON APIs with blazing performance
- hayes/pothos - Create GraphQL schemas in TypeScript using a strongly typed code-first approach.
- gqty-dev/gqty - A GraphQL client built for rapid iteration.
- 0no-co/gql.tada - Magical GraphQL query engine for TypeScript.
- captbaritone/grats - Implementation-First GraphQL for TypeScript.
- swan-io/chicane - A simple and safe router for React and TypeScript.
- TanStack/router - Type-safe router with built-in caching & URL state management for various frameworks.
- TanStack/form - 🤖 Headless, performant, and type-safe form state management for TS/JS, React, Vue, Angular, Solid, and Lit.
- jamesopstad/typesafe-router - A tiny wrapper library for React Router that dramatically improves type safety.
- iway1/react-ts-form - Build maintainable, type-safe forms faster.
- IdoPesok/zsa - Typesafe Server Actions for Next.js.
- typesafe-i18n - A fully type-safe and lightweight internationalization library for all your TypeScript and JavaScript projects.
- StellateHQ/fuse.js - Fuse.js: The opinionated framework for creating typesafe data layers
- desko27/react-call - Call your React components
- 47ng/nuqs - Type-safe search params state manager for React frameworks - Like useState, but stored in the URL query string.
- sannajammeh/tw-classed - Make your Tailwind components re-usable.
- vanilla-extract-css/vanilla-extract - Zero-runtime Stylesheets-in-TypeScript.
- nextui-org/tailwind-variants - Tailwindcss first-class variant API.
- chakra-ui/panda - Universal, Type-Safe, CSS-in-JS Framework for Product Teams.
- gregberge/twc - Create reusable React + Tailwind components in one line.
- tokenami/tokenami - Atomic CSS in the style attribute. Type-safe static styles with theming, responsive variant support, and no bundler integration.
- dethcrypto/TypeChain - TypeScript bindings for Ethereum smart contracts.
- wagmi-dev/abitype - Strict TypeScript types for Ethereum ABIs.
- gcanti/fp-ts - A library for typed functional programming in TypeScript.
- millsp/ts-toolbelt - TypeScript's largest type utility library.
- Effect-TS/effect - A fully-fledged functional effect system for TypeScript with a rich standard library.
- gvergnaud/TS-Pattern - The exhaustive Pattern Matching library for TypeScript with smart type inference.
- swan-io/boxed - Essential building-blocks for functional & safe TypeScript code.
- toss/es-toolkit - A modern JavaScript utility library that's 2-3 times faster and up to 97% smaller—a major upgrade to lodash.
- gustavoguichard/string-ts - Strongly typed string functions.
- colinhacks/zod - TypeScript-first schema validation with static type inference.
- samchon/typia - Super-fast/easy Runtime validator.
- fabian-hiller/valibot - The modular and type safe schema library for validating structural data.
- sindresorhus/type-fest - A collection of essential TypeScript types.
- SeasonedSoftware/domain-functions - Decouple your business logic from your framework with first-class type inference from end to end.
- KATT/envsafe - Makes sure you don't accidentally deploy apps with missing or invalid environment variables.
- supermacro/neverthrow - Type-Safe Errors for JavaScript & TypeScript.
- venables/typed-route-handler - Type-safe API Route Handlers for Next.js.
- true-myth/true-myth - A library for safer and smarter error- and "nothing"-handling in TypeScript.
- ecyrbe/zodios - A complete typesafe wrapper around Zod for a boilerplate-free, typesafe, and DRY experience.
- g-plane/typed-query-selector - Better typed
. - tatethurston/nextjs-routes - Type safe routing for Next.js.
- richardsolomou/next-safe-route - Type-safe and validated Route Handlers for Next.js
- jetpack-io/typeid-js - TypeScript implementation of TypeIDs: type-safe, K-sortable, and globally unique identifiers inspired by Stripe IDs.
- edmundhung/conform - A type-safe form validation library utilizing web fundamentals to progressively enhance HTML Forms with full support for server frameworks like Remix and Next.js.
- nicojs/typed-inject - Type safe dependency injection for TypeScript.
- arcanis/clipanion - Type-safe CLI library / framework with no runtime dependencies.
Thanks goes to these wonderful people (emoji key):
Dung Duc Huynh (Kaka) 📖 |
larsw 📖 |
Peter Leonov 📖 |
This project follows the all-contributors specification. Contributions of any kind welcome!