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Web Components library for ClojureScript

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Getting Started | Usage | Browser support

A Custom Elements library for ClojureScript. Lucuma helps with creating native reusable HTML elements.

Clojars Project.

Getting Started

First define your custom element

(ns your.ns
  (:require [lucuma :as l :refer-macros [defcustomelement]]))

(defcustomelement my-element
  :on-created #(set! (.-textContent %) "Hello World!")
  :properties {:threshold 10})

Then register it

(ns your.ns
  (:require [lucuma.core :as l]))

(l/register my-element)

Finally manipulate it like any HTML element

<my-element threshold="15"></my-element>
<!-- Can be instantiated programmatically too. -->
  var el = document.createElement("my-element");
  el.threshold = 15;


Custom Element definition

Custom elements are defined as maps of keyword / value. This map serves as the abstract definition for the element prototype.

Once a Custom Element is defined and registered in the current document a new HTML tag is available (named after the var). It can be inserted in the DOM as any regular HTML element (including programmatically).


Custom Elements define callbacks that hook on element lifecycle.

You can hook functions to the element lifecycle using following keys:

  • on-created called when an instance of the element is created (e.g. via document.createElement)
  • on-attached called after an instance of the element is attached to the DOM
  • on-detached called after an instance of the element is detached from the DOM
  • on-property-changed called each time a property/attribute is changed (multi changes via set-properties! will trigger a single on-property-changed)

All functions receive as first argument the element instance.

on-created receives as second argument a map of consolidated properties (see documentation later) values.

on-property-changed receives as second argument a list of changes as map ({:property :property-name :old-value "old" :new-value "new"}).

(defcustomelement my-element
  :on-created #(println %1 "created")
  :on-attached #(println % "attached")
  :on-detached #(println % "detached")
  :on-property-changed #(println %1 " got some changes" %2))


Per instance properties can be accessed via JavaScript getter/setter and ClojureScript get-property / set-property!. When accessed via JavaScript values are properly converted in both directions. A property can be defined as a map with keys default, type (can be :number, :boolean, :string, :keyword or :object), events? and attributes? or as a single value (which will serve as default).

A property can be exported as HTML attribute if attributes? is set to true (default to true for :number, :boolean and :string). When created as an HTML element, attribute values will override defaults.

Changes to a property will fire DOM style events if events? is set to true (default to true for :number, :boolean, :string and :object).

A property can be defined as read only if read-only? is set to true (default to false).

Note that properties name follow clojure naming convention (dash-based) but are accessed using underscore-based convention from JavaScript.

(defcustomelement my-element
  :properties {:property-1 "default"
               :property-2 {:default 1 :type :number :events? true :attributes? true}})

The on-created callback receives as second argument a map of consolidated property values (with element attributes overriding property defaults).

(defcustomelement my-element
  :on-created #(println "Created with properties" %2)
  :properties {:property "default"})
<my-element property="overridden-value"></my-element>
<!-- on-created callback will receive {:property "overridden-value"} -->


Regular ClojureScript functions can directly manipulate element instances. You can also expose those functions to JavaScript users by explicitly listing those functions and assigning them a name that will be attached to the element prototype.

Note that ClojureScript functions will receive the right element instance as first parameter when invoked as a result of the invocation of the associated JavaScript method.

(defn some-method

(defcustomelement my-element
  :methods {:method some-method})
var el = document.querySelector("my-element");
el.method(); /* calls (some-method el) */


Existing element can inherit capacity from other elements via prototype inheritance. prototype value can be a keyword referencing valid HTML element (including Custom ones) or an existing prototype.

(defcustomelement my-element
  :prototype :div)

(defcustomelement my-other-element
  :prototype js/HTMLButtonElement.prototype)

If extending a Custom Element created via defcustomelement directly reference the var. Their definition will then properly be merged as would happen if it was used as a mixin.

(defcustomelement my-element
  :prototype :div)

(defcustomelement my-extended-element
  :prototype my-element)

Reuse via mixins

To improve element reuse defcustomelement has advanced syntax allowing to introduce parametrization and reuse existing definition.

mixins allows to provide shared definition by providing a list of map and/or function. All maps are first merged in order with the definition map itself (definition being merged last) then all functions are applied in order with the first function receiving the consolidated map as argument and all subsequents the result of previous function invocation. The final map definition is then the result of last function invocation.

(def default
  {:properties {:property1 "value" :property2 2}})

(defcustomelement my-element
  :mixins [default #(update-in % [:properties :property2] inc)]
  :properties {:threshold 1})

Browser support

Support for Custom Elements is appearing in recent browser releases. Some descent polyfill can be used for other browsers:

document-register-element is also available as a CLJSJS package so it can be used as simply as:

(ns application.core
  (:require cljsjs.document-register-element))

For production environment you can also add the following snippet to your document head:

function init () {
  // this code calls (l/register ..)

var supported = 'registerElement' in document;
if (!supported) {
  var polyfill = document.createElement("script");
  polyfill.onload = init();
  polyfill.src = "..."; // your polyfill URL, like "//$LATEST_VERSION$/document-register-element.js"
} else {


Copyright © 2014-2015 Julien Eluard.

Distributed under the Eclipse Public License, the same as Clojure.