Short Description: This repo contains processing scripts and resulting timeseries for the Arctic Feedbacks curriculum ( developed with Kay NSF CAREER award
Code to munge the data:
- plot_anom_tseries_include2021.ncl -- produces Arctic Ocean Data for summer (JJA) sea ice extent and top-of-atmosphere radiation (2000-2021)
- GISTEMP_timeseries_include2021.ncl - calculates Arctic and Global temperature anomalies from GISTEMP (1880-2021)
On Albedo calculations from these data: Absorbed Shortwave Radiation = Net Shortwave Radiation (SWnet) = Downward Shortwave Radiation (SWdown) - Upward Shortwave Radiation (SWup). Thus, you can calculate SWup from the fields provided: SWup=SWdown-SWnet. Then - you can calculate albedo as SWup/SWdown.