This repo is part of Jenkins X 2 that has not been maintained since 2022.
This repository contains the source code for Jenkins X Boot configuration so that you can setup, upgrade or configure your Jenkins X installation via GitOps.
- either use Terraform to spin up a GKE cluster with a
namespace and any necessary cloud resources (e.g. on GCP we need a Kaniko Service Account and Secret) - create an empty GKE cluster by hand e.g. via
jx create cluster gke --skip-installation
or using the GCP Console
Create a fork of this git repository on github. We suggest renaming it to match the pattern environment-<cluster name>-dev
. To rename your repository go to the repository settings in github.
Clone your newly forked git repository:
git clone<org>/environment-<cluster name>-dev && cd environment-<cluster name>-dev
It's important that you cd into your newly checked out git repo, otherwise
jx boot
will use the upstream Jenkins X boot configuration.
Now, in the checkout, run:
jx boot
If you are not in a clone of a boot git repository then jx boot
will clone this repository and cd
into the clone.
The bootstrap process runs the Jenkins X Pipeline in interpret mode as there's nothing running in your Kubernetes cluster yet and so there's no server side tekton controller until after we bootstrap.
The bootstrap process will also ask you for various important parameters
which are used to populate a bunch of Secrets
stored in either Vault or the local file system (well away from your git clone).
The pipeline will then setup the ingress controller, then cert manager, then install the actual development environment.
Apart from the secrets populated to Vault / local file system everything else is stored inside this git repository as Apps and helm charts.
We have improved the support for value + secret composition via this issue.
We define a env/parameters.yaml file which defines all the parameters either checked in or loaded from Vault or a local file system secrets location.
If you look at the current env/parameters.yaml file you will see some values inlined and others use URIs of the form local:my-cluster-folder/nameofSecret/key
. This currently supports 2 schemes:
to load from a path + key from Vaultlocal:
to load from a key in a YAML file at~/.jx/localSecrets/$path.yml
This means we can populate all the Parameters we need on startup then refer to them from values.yaml
to populate the tree of values to then inject those into Vault.
We can then use the new step to populate the parameters.yaml
file via this command in the env
jx step create values --name parameters
This uses the parameters.schema.json file which powers the UI.
So if you wanted to perform your own install from this git repo, just fork it, remove env/parameters.yaml
and run the bootstrap command!
Rather than a huge huge deeply nested values.yaml file we can have a tree of files for each App only include the App specific configuration in each folder. e.g.
values.yaml # top level configuration
values.yaml # prow specific config
vales.yaml # tekton specific config
When using jx step helm apply
we now allow values.yaml
files to use go/helm templates just like templates/foo.yaml
files support inside helm charts so that we can generate value/secret strings which can use templating to compose things from smaller secret values. e.g. creating a maven settings.xml
file or docker config.json
which includes many user/passwords for different registries.
We can then check in the values.yaml
file which does all of this composition and reference the actual secret values via URLs (or template functions) to access vault or local vault files
To do this we use expressions like: {{ .Parameter.pipelineUser.token }}
somewhere in the values.yaml
values file. So this is like injecting values into the helm templates; but it happens up front to help generate the values.yaml