A Jenkins plugin to convert XML jobs in scripts of Job DSL Plugin
- Read the XML file and parse to an internal class set (DONE)
- Translate the internal class set to DSL and save it to file, it should be easy to read and easy to mantain (DONE)
- Make this program run on command line and test if it works with some XML files (DONE)
- Create a view where the user can select which jobs he wants to convert to DSL and generate a file to download (DONE)
- Turn it into a Jenkins plugin (DONE)
- Increase the number of known tags to translate and improve the plugin
- Automatically refactor the generated code to avoid duplicated blocks
You can find the list of known tags in the file translator.properties under the path /src/main/resources
The key (on left) represents the tag in XML, and the value is the tag in Job DSL:
flow-definition = pipelineJob
The key can also have a parent, separated by a dot ".":
//In this case, "project" is the parent, so this tag "description" will only be parsed if its parent is the tag "project"
project.description = description
//But in this case, "flow-definition" is the parent, so this tag "description" will only be parsed if its parent is the tag "flow-definition"
flow-definition.description = description
The key yet can have a sufix ".type":
blockingJobs.type = PARAMETER
These are the possible types:
Or a custom type, just pass a type the whole package of the class to render a custom type:
url.type = com.adq.jenkins.xmljobtodsl.dsl.strategies.custom.DSLGitHubMethodStrategy
Let's describe each type:
hudson.tasks.Shell = INNER
The type can be the type of the tag, because it don't have a DSL tag, we will just render it children tags
It renders an object in groovy like:
remote {
github("SymphonyOSF/SANDROID-CLIENT-APP", "ssh")
This is the default type, if you don't define a type, METHOD will be used. It render a method in groovy like:
It renders a parameter if its parent is a method, It detects its type (String, integer, boolean, etc)
name("origin") //origin is the parameter
It renders a property like:
def git = {
remote {
github("alandoni/xml-job-to-dsl-plugin", "ssh")
job("test") {
scm git //this is a property
It defines an array of objects:
choiceParam("METAFILTER", ["all tests", "smoke tests", "sanity tests"], "")
It defines a closure:
trigger("") { // Closure
block { // Object in the closure
Configure is used to represent tags not supported by Job DSL, its syntax is a bit different, and it is always inserted inside an object named "Configure", the job can only have one object configure
configure {
it / 'properties' / 'jenkins.model.BuildDiscarderProperty' { // This is the tag of type CONFIGURE
strategy {
it / 'properties' / 'com.coravy.hudson.plugins.github.GithubProjectProperty' { // This is the tag of type CONFIGURE
To create a custom type, you will need to extend the class AbstractDSLStrategy
It demands you to create a constructor:
* Creates an object of type DSLCustomStrategy
* @param tabs: number of tabs for indentation purposes, it will be increased automatically
* @param propertyDescriptor: the object that represents a class in XML, with its attributes, children, parent and values
* @param name: the name in DSL Groovy
public DSLCustomStrategy(int tabs, PropertyDescriptor propertyDescriptor, String name) {
this(tabs, propertyDescriptor, name, true); // In case you need to change the children tags of this class
// change the last parameter to false
And override the following method:
public String toDSL() {
return ""; //This renders the text in the script