This repository contains code and data for the paper "Expectations over unspoken alternatives predict pragmatic inferences" by Jennifer Hu, Roger Levy, Judith Degen, and Sebastian Schuster. Please cite the paper as follows:
Author = {Hu, Jennifer and Levy, Roger and Degen, Judith and Schuster, Sebastian},
Title = {Expectations over unspoken alternatives predict pragmatic inferences},
journal = {Transactions of the Association for Computational Linguistics},
year = {2023},
note = {To appear}
The main materials are divided into two folders, cross-scale
and within-scale
, corresponding to the cross- and within-scale
analyses, respectively. Each folder has self-contained instructions and data to reproduce the analyses in our paper.
The folder figure1
contains a Jupyter notebook for generating the subplots of Figure 1 in the paper.