Jentrata MSH is based on Hermes Messaging Gateway developed by CECID, The University of Hong Kong. The goal of Jentrata is build on the original work developed by CECID as well as build a community to continue its development.
See for complete details on the project
Fork Repo into your github account
Run on your local machine:
git clone<github-username>/jentrata-msh.git cd jentrata-msh.git git remote add upstream
You can now pull/rebase from the upstream repository
git pull upstream master
And push now push these changes to your forked repository
git push
Also you should run the following
git config --global "Your Name"
git config --global <your_email>
Requires maven 3.0+ and Java 6+
git clone<github-username>/jentrata-msh.git
cd jentrata-msh
mvn clean install
This will create jentrata-msh-tomcat.tar.gz in jentrata-msh/Dist/target/ as well as an uncompressed version
download and install tomcat 6.x or 7.x
untar jentrata-msh-tomcat.tar.gz
set JENTRATA_HOME and TOMCAT_HOME environment variables, for example
export JENTRATA_HOME=/dev/jentrata-msh-tomcat export TOMCAT_HOME=/dev/tomcat
create a symlink to the $JENTRATA_HOME/webapps/corvus in the $TOMCAT_HOME/webapps directory to
ln -s $JENTRATA_HOME/webapps/corvus $TOMCAT_HOME/webapps/jentrata
set JAVA_OPTS environment variable as follows
export JAVA_OPTS="$JAVA_OPTS -Dcorvus.home=$JENTRATA_HOME"
add the following roles and user to $TOMCAT_HOME/conf/tomcat-users.xml
<role rolename="admin"/> <role rolename="corvus"/> <user username="corvus" password="corvus" roles="tomcat,admin,corvus"/>
install postgresql 8.3+ - During the install, for the default user 'postgres', make the password 'postgres' (ignore quotes). For Mac OSX you should read the link - memory configuration info for OSX
copy the database creation scripts to your PostgreSQL install
copy JENTRATA_HOME/sql/ebms.sql to the PostgreSQL bin directory copy JENTRATA_HOME/sql/as2.sql to the PostgreSQL bin directory
log in as the PostgreSQL user 'postgres' created during the install
set the password for the default user 'postgres' as a temporary environment variable
export PGPASSWORD="postgres"
cd to the PostgreSQL bin directory
create a postgres user corvus with default password corvus
./createuser -s -d -P corvus
create the ebms and as2 databases
./createdb -O corvus ebms ./createdb -O corvus as2
Run the db create tables scripts
./psql -f ebms.sql ebms ./psql -f as2.sql as2
Logout as user postgres
Install MySQL for your OS (
Create your databases
mysql -e "CREATE DATABASE ebms;" mysql -e "CREATE DATABASE as2;"
Create users/permissions to new databases
mysql -e "GRANT ALL ON ebms.* TO 'ebms'@'localhost' IDENTIFIED BY 'ebms';" mysql -e "GRANT ALL ON as2.* TO 'as2'@'localhost' IDENTIFIED BY 'as2';"
Import DB Schema
mysql ebms < JENTRATA_HOME/sql/mysql_ebms.sql mysql as2 < JENTRATA_HOME/sql/mysql_as2.sql
Configure Jentrata to use MySQL
You will need to modify the some parameters of the doafactory component in the 'plugins' directory for each plugin of Jentrata that you wish to use with MySQL.
JENTRATA_HOME/plugins/hk.hku.cecid.ebms/conf/hk/hku/cecid/ebms/spa/conf/ebms.module.xml JENTRATA_HOME/plugins/hk.hku.cecid.edi.as2/conf/hk/hku/cecid/edi/as2/conf/as2.module.core.xml
Look for the following Component:
<component id="daofactory" name="System DAO Factory">
Find the following parameters and change them as follows:
<parameter name="driver" value="com.mysql.jdbc.Driver"/> <parameter name="url" value="jdbc:mysql://"/>
Start tomcat and browse to http://localhost:8080/jentrata/admin/home. You will need to login using the username and password you set in the tomcat-users.xml corvus/corus by default
If Jentrata doesn't start correctly you can check the various log files under $TOMCAT_HOME/logs/ or $JENTRATA_HOME/logs for errors
Jentrata provides a Dockerfile and also a docker-compose.yml file. The Dockerfile is used to buid a general docker image for Jentrata. The docker-compose file is to speed up development. It contains preset variables.
If Jentrata's docker container doesn't detect a postgresql server on the configured hostname and port, it will pause and retry to connect until one is made available.
Jentrata in docker assumes that you're using Postgresql. The docker-compose sets up a docker image with this preconfigured.
Docker compose makes it easy to bring up a series of docker images in conjunction with each other.
docker-compose up
This has everything pre-configured and ready to go. You can acccess Jentrata on: http://localhost:8080/jentrata/admin/home
If you want to build the checked out version of Jentrata, or you want to avoid using the docker hub you can build the docker image like follows:
docker build -t jentrata/jentrata-msh .