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Kapi - A keyframing API for the HTML 5 Canvas

NOTE: Kapi is discontinued. New features are not being added. But have no fear! This project lives on as Rekapi. Rekapi is simply a rewrite of Kapi with some minor changes and additions. The API is extremely similar, so porting to Rekapi should hopefully not be difficult. If there are any significant bugs you find with Kapi, please report them in the issue tracker and I will try to fix them. But otherwise, this project is no longer being maintained.

What Kapi does

Kapi is a keyframing API for the HTML 5 canvas. It streamlines animation development by providing a simple interface for defining “actors” and their changing states over time.

A critical component of programmatically creating an animation is accurately calculating where things should be at a given time. Doing something like

function update() {
  setTimeout(update, 33);

is brittle, because it will lose accuracy. System resource availability will affect the actual state of myActor over time. A better approach is calculating the state of something based on real time. This is precisely what Kapi does for you.

The important thing to understand is that Kapi is simply a timing layer for your animations. It is designed to be modular, so you can use whatever drawing layer you prefer.

What keyframing is and why it rocks

Keyframing is an animation technique for defining states at specific points in time. Animations are always rendered as frames to the screen, and keyframing allows you to define the key points at which the motion in the animation changes - all of the frames that exist between those points are calculated for you.

The biggest benefit of this approach is the accuracy of animation and timing. It's also a very declarative way of defining how an animation behaves, so it's easy to understand. This is the same animation model used by Adobe Flash, which is one of the reasons it is so attractive to animators and designers.

How Kapi works

At a high level, using Kapi comes down to five steps:

  • Create a Kapi instance.
  • Create some actors.
  • Add the actors to the Kapi instance.
  • Define keyframes (states) for the actors.
  • Start the animation.

A Kapi animation is comprised of two main constructs:

  • A stage.
  • Actors.

The stage is a place for actors to do what they do. In the literal sense, the stage is an HTML 5 canvas object, and actors are JavaScript functions that draw something on the canvas. Here is a very simple example of an actor function that is compatible with Kapi:

function circle(canvasContext){
  canvasContext.fillStyle = this.color;

Kapi only does one thing - it manages values based on the passage of time. It passes those values to your actors, and your actors can do whatever you want them to with the values.

Using Kapi

Setting up your animation

The first step is to create an instance of the Kapi object. This can be done as simply as:

var myKapi = kapi(document.getElementsByTagName('canvas')[0]);

myKapi is the object by which you will interface with the canvas. There are optional parameters and events that you can pass along to the kapi constructor to configure the instance - please consult the public API documentation for more info.

The next step is to add actor instances. You have complete freedom on how to you want to define your actors. They are simply doing stuff with their instance variables, which are accessed with the JavaScript this keyword. Let’s use the circle example actor defined earlier. To add an instance of circle to Kapi, simply use .add():

var myCircle = myKapi.add(circle, {	
    name : 'myCircle',
    x : 0,
    y : 0,
    radius : 50,
    color : '#00ff00',
    easing : 'easeInOutQuad'

kapi.add() defines the initial state of an actor within the kapi instance - this is done in the second parameter with a configuration object. The properties of this object will be present in all keyframes of myCircle. If there is a property that will be used anywhere by this actor in the animation, you need to define it in kapi.add().

A few important things to note: If you do not specify a name property, one will be randomly generated for you. It does not need to have the same name as the variable that gets assigned the reference of the returned object from kapi.add().

A word about kapi.add(): This is a factory method that produces an actor object. All actor objects have a number of methods that are set up as soon as they are created, including draw(), keyframe(), to(), and more. Please consult the API docs for a detailed description of all the actor methods.

You can add as many actors as you like with this approach. Also, you can mix and match the actor types as you please (you can have multiple circles.)

Defining states

Now that you have set up your actors and your stage, you can define keyframe states.

To define a keyframe, call actor.keyframe(), like so:

myCircle.keyframe(0, {
  x : 200,
  y : 150,
  radius : '*=2',
  color : '#0000ff'

This would make a keyframe for myCircle at keyframe zero. This particular keyframe would place the circle down and to the right, double the size, and fade it to blue (from green). Since this is keyframe zero, the change would be completed as soon as the animation begins. Any properties that are missing from a keyframe definition are inherited from the previous keyframe, if there is one. If the property isn’t present on that keyframe, the same property from the keyframe before that is used. This property lookup goes all the way back to the state that was passed to kapi.add(), if necessary.

Actors will not appear on the screen until they are given a keyframe. If the first keyframe that an actor is on is also the last keyframe in the animation, and there are other actors in the animation making more keyframes, you won’t see that actor because the animation is starting over as soon as the actor “enters” the stage.

The actor.keyframe() function is chainable, so you can do this:

myCircle.keyframe(0, {
  x : 60,
  y : 50,
  color : '#0000ff'
}).keyframe(30, {
  x : 250,
  y : 50,
  radius : '/=2'

Immediate actions

Another way to move your actors around is to use an Immediate Action. Currently the only Immediate Action is Immediate actions work a little differently than keyframes. Keyframes form an animation loop that can repeat itself. Immediate Actions, on the other hand, are executed immediately, only once, and then discarded. If multiple Immediate Actions are created for an actor, they are placed into a queue and execute in the order that they were created.'2s', {
  x: '+=100',
  y: 50,
  color: '#ff0000'

From the instant this method is called, myCircle will move 100 pixels to the right of its current position, to the 50th pixel down in the canvas, and fade to red. This will happen over the course of two seconds, which is defined by the first parameter ('2s).

Immediate Actions, like keyframes, are chainable. It is easiest (and recommended) to use Immediate Actions with animations that only have one keyframe, defined on keyframe zero. However, mixing Immediate Actions with keyframes is entirely valid. It's just really hard to achieve the effect you might be going for.

myCircle.keyframe(0, {
  x : 100,
  y : 100,
  color : '#0000ff'
}).to('2s', {
  x: '+=100',
  y: 50,
  color: '#ff0000'
}).to('1s', {
  x: 75,
  y: '*=2'

This snippet defines keyframe zero, and adds two Immediate Actions to the queue. In total, this animation will run for 3 seconds and then just stop.

The Immediate Actions API is built off of the same code that powers the keyframe API, so you'll get all of the accuracy and performance of that API for free. Immediate Actions can be more flexible for many situations.

Controlling Kapi

Once you have set up your stage and actors, you can control the animation. Additionally, you can specify any point in the animation’s timeline that you’d like to view and play from. Using our myKapi instance from before, we can call the following methods:;

Runs the animation from the beginning if it was not running before, or resumes from the paused state.


Pauses the animation, but does not clear the canvas. The state of the animation is “frozen” until it is started again.


Stops the animation, clears, the canvas, and resets the state back to the beginning of the animation loop.

myKapi.repeat( repetitions, callback );

Repeats the animation a given number of times (defined by repetitions), and then just stops. You can optionally define a callback to be fired when the sequence is complete.

myKapi.iterate( iterations, callback );

Works similarly to repeat(), but defines how many times the loop executes, rather than how many times it starts over.

If you would like to go to a specific point in the timeline of the animation, you can do so with


desiredFrame is any frame in the animation. For your convenience, there is also


This simply calls gotoFrame() and then play(). Please note that gotoFrame() and gotoAndPlay() won't work properly with keyframes that use dynamic properties (properties defined by functions or dynamic modifiers +=, -=, /= and *=). This because there is no reliable way to know what these dynamic properties will be until the keyframe is evaluated. Support for this may come in a later version of Kapi.


There is only one tweening formula built into Kapi core code - linear. You can add as many tweening methods as you please; just attach methods to the global kapi.tween object.

kapi.tween.myAwesomeTween = function (t, b, c, d) { ... }

If you want more tweens than linear, you are in luck. The file kapi.tweens.js is included in the Kapi repository, which contains a collection of Robert Penner's tweening methods. For your convenience, the methods in this file are also included in both the kapi.js source file and the kapi.min.js production file. They can be removed or modified without affecting the functionality of the Kapi core.

More info

More technical documentation can be found within the kapi.js source file itself. Each method has an explanation of the expected parameters and output. If you'd like something you can see more easily in a web browser, the same API docs are available online for the Kapi object as well as the actor object.


A keyframe API for the HTML5 Canvas.






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