personal vim settings for c/cpp projects
#Currently included plugins:
- NerdTree
- Tagbar
- ctrlp.vim
- bufexplorer
- grep.vim
- color scheme: molokai, solarized
- vim-airline
- vim-multiple-cursors
- vim-gitgutter
- syntastic
- YouCompleteMe or OmniCppComplete
- Install vundle to manage all the plugins accomplished with git. The instruction is "git clone ~/.vim/bundle/vundle", (see it if windows
- (Optional) Install vim7.4+ with python support.
- (Optional) To enable 256 colors (for molokai color scheme). Please add "export TERM=xterm-256color" in your .bashrc or corresponding config file. For solarized color scheme, please refer to this page.
- Open vim and type ":BundleInstall"
- "cd ~" and "ln -s /path/to/vim-wmj/repo/.vimrc"
- (Optional) "cd ~/.vim" and "ln -s /path/to/vim-wmj/repo/syntax" and "ln -s /path/to/vim-wmj/repo/tagfiles"
- YCM completer will only be enabled on vim7.4+ with python support. Otherwise, OmniCppComplete will be used. To enable YCM completer, please call "./ --clang-completer" in "~/.vim/bundle/YouCompleteMe/" (for more detail, see