With NSS-Console you can output image directy on your chrome console
you can also output nice looking message
You may think it's stupid? it's Not-So-Stupid!
NSS-Console can be installed with npm or simply using a content delivery network (CDN) URL to embed NSS-Console directly on your HTML page.
npm install nss-console
The correct way to import NSS-Console is:
import NSSConsole from 'nss-console'
Using common file:
<script async src="../dist/nss-console.common.js"></script>
- output nice message with auto color swapping
- output nice message with the color you want to use
- output image and adjust size
// output a message
// output an image
// output an image and put a messages just below
NSSConsole.image('https://scontent-cdg2-1.xx.fbcdn.net/v/t1.0-1/p200x200/35966_149142151763715_7577518_n.jpg?_nc_cat=0&oh=73843ee73938ed97dc52fc91ae4fdcd8&oe=5C3B257A', 0.5).then(() => {
NSSConsole.message('Développé par l\'équipe Not-So-Stupid !')
npm ci
npm run build
This content is released under the (http://opensource.org/licenses/MIT) MIT License.