After Claudia from Eliot a long time ago, here is coming Martine. A cli which converts JPEG or PNG image file into SCR/PAL or Overscan Amstrad CPC file screen. Multi os, you can convert any pictures to Amstrad CPC Screen. The files generated (.win, .scr, .ink) are compatible with OCP art studio and Impdraw V2 i2
Martine tries to accelerate your game, demo animation development by organize and conversion of your graphical data.
All screens data are associated with basic programs launchers to quick display the output on real machines.
You can follow the development here Cpcwiki in english or here Amstrad plus forum in french
A Gui was developed for windows users by Tronic you can get it here
Output: Martine generates a lot of differents files, which allow you to find the format and the data you will use.
- .win or .scr sprite or screen files
- .pal or .ink palette file (.ink will be generated if the -plus option is set)
- .txt ascii file with palettes values (firmware values and basic values), and screen byte values
- c.txt ascii file with palettes values (firmware values and basic values), and screen byte values by column
- .json json file with palettes values (firmware values and basic values), and screen byte values
- .bas launch to test the screen load on classic .scr 17ko
- _resized.png images files to ensure the resize action
- _downgraded.png images files to ensure the downgraded palette action
- _paletteink.png palette image describing the CPC old colors used
- _palettepal.png palette image describing the CPC old colors used
- _palettekit.png palette image describing the CPC plus colors used
- -dsk will generate a dsk file and add all amsdos files will be added.
- -noheader will remove amsdos headers from the amsdos files
- -fullscreen will generate overscan screen amsdos file
- -plus will generate a CPC plus screen amsdos file
- -height will generate sprite of x pixel high
- -width will generate sprite of x pixel wide
- -statement to define the byte token will be replace the byte token in the ascii files
- -algo to set the algorithm to downsize the image
- -mode to define the screen mode 0,1,2
- -out to set the output directory (is not exists, martine will create the folder).
- -z compress the image .scr / .win (not overscan) using the algorithm.
- -zigzag will generate data output as zigzag.
- -scanlinesequence will generate the lines following the input sequence such as 0,7,1,2,3,4,5,6 for instance.
- -sla will rotate x column pixels from the left, those columns will be discarded
- -sra will rotate x column pixels from the right, those columns will be discarded
- -rra will rotate x column pixels from the right
- -rla will rotate x column pixels from the left
- -keephigh will rotate x line pixels to the top
- -keeplow will rotate x line pixels to the bottom
- -losthigh will rotate x line pixels to the top, those lines will be discarded
- -lostlow will rotate x line pixels to the bottom, those lines will be discarded
- -sna copy output files in a new CPC image Sna.
- -reducer reducing color filter (3 gradients are available)
- -mask string Mask to apply on each bit of the sprite (to apply an and operation on each pixel with the value #AA [in hexdecimal: #AA or 0xAA, in decimal: 170] ex: martine -in myimage.png -width 40 -height 80 -mask #AA -mode 0 -maskand)
- -maskand Will apply an AND operation on each byte with the mask
- -maskor Will apply an OR operation on each byte with the mask
- -tilemap Analyse the input image and generate the tiles, the tile map and gloabl schema.
- -spritehard will generate 16x16 bits sprite hard for CPC plus.
- -splitrasters will generate a rastered screen
- -reverse create a png image from your .scr .win file
hardware options (if you owns a M4 Card, you can transfert your results by Wifi to your CPC using those options) :
- -host ip or dns name of your M4.
- -autoexec will execute the launcher or sna file on your remote CPC.
To Install and compile
go get
cd $GOPATH/src/
go get
go build
To get binary :
OS avaible : Linux, Macos X and Windows
Usage and options :
martine convert (jpeg, png format) image to Amstrad cpc screen (even overscan)
By Impact Sid (Version:0.29)
Special thanks to @Ast (for his support), @Siko and @Tronic for ideas
usage :
-address string
Starting address to display sprite in delta packing (default "0xC000")
-algo int
Algorithm to resize the image (available :
1: NearestNeighbor (default)
2: CatmullRom
3: Lanczos
4: Linear
5: Box
6: Hermite
7: BSpline
8: Hamming
9: Hann
10: Gaussian
11: Blackman
12: Bartlett
13: Welch
14: Cosine
15: MitchellNetravali
(default 1)
Will produce an full screen with all sprite on the same image (add -in image.gif or -in *.png)
Execute on your remote CPC the screen file or basic file.
-brightness int
apply brightness on the color of the palette on amstrad plus screen. (max value 100 and only on CPC PLUS).
-contrast int
apply contrast on the color of the palette on amstrad plus screen. (max value 100 and only on CPC PLUS).
Delta mode: compute delta between two files (prefixed by the argument -df)
(ex: -delta -df file1.SCR -df file2.SCR -df file3.SCR).
(ex with wildcard: -delta -df file\?.SCR or -delta file\*.SCR
Will generate all the animation code from the followed gif file.
-df value
scr file path to add in delta mode comparison. (wildcard accepted such as ? or * file filename.)
-dithering int
Dithering algorithm to apply on input image
Algorithms available:
0: FloydSteinberg
1: JarvisJudiceNinke
2: Stucki
3: Atkinson
4: Sierra
5: SierraLite
6: Sierra3
7: Bayer2
8: Bayer3
9: Bayer4
10: Bayer8
(default -1)
Copy files in a new CPC image Dsk.
Create egx 1 output cpc image overscan (option -fullscreen) or classical (mix mode 0 / 1).
(ex before generate two images one in mode 1 et one in mode 0
for instance : martine -in myimage.jpg -mode 0 and martine -in myimage.jpg -mode 1
: -egx1 -in 1.SCR -mode 0 -pal 1.PAL -in2 2.SCR -out test -mode2 1 -dsk)
(ex automatic egx from image file : -egx1 -in input.png -mode 0 -out test -dsk)
Create egx 2 output cpc image overscan (option -fullscreen) or classical (mix mode 1 / 2).
(ex before generate two images one in mode 1 et one in mode 2
for instance : martine -in myimage.jpg -mode 0 and martine -in myimage.jpg -mode 1
: -egx2 -in 1.SCR -mode 0 -pal 1.PAL -in2 2.SCR -out test -mode2 1 -dsk)
(ex automatic egx from image file : -egx2 -in input.png -mode 0 -out test -dsk)
Export in a Extended DSK 80 tracks, 10 sectors 400 ko per face
Fill out the gif frames needed some case with deltapacking
generate flash animation with two ocp screens.
(ex: -mode 1 -flash -in input.png -out test -dsk)
(ex: -mode 1 -flash -i input1.scr -pal input1.pal -mode2 0 -iin2 input2.scr -pal2 input2.pal -out test -dsk )
Overscan mode (default no overscan)
-height int
Custom output height in pixels. (Will produce a sprite file .win) (default -1)
Display help message
-host string
Set the ip of your M4.
Will generate sprites as IMP-Catcher format (Impdraw V2).
-in string
Picture path of the input file.
-in2 string
Picture path of the second input file (flash mode)
Return the information of the file, associated with -pal and -win options
-initprocess string
Create a new empty process file.
-ink string
Path of the palette Cpc ink file. (Apply the input ink palette on the image)
-inkswap string
Swap ink:
for instance mode 4 (4 inks) : 0=3,1=0,2=1,3=2
will swap in output image index 0 by 3 and 1 by 0 and so on.
-iter int
Iterations number to walk in roll mode, or number of images to generate in rotation mode. (default -1)
-iterx int
Number of tiles on a row in the input image. (default 1)
-itery int
Number of tiles on a column in the input image. (default 1)
Generate json format output.
-keephigh int
Bit rotation on the top and keep pixels (default -1)
-keeplow int
Bit rotation on the bottom and keep pixels (default -1)
-kit string
Path of the palette Cpc plus Kit file. (Apply the input kit palette on the image)
-linewidth string
Line width in hexadecimal to compute the screen address in delta mode. (default "#50")
-losthigh int
Bit rotation on the top and lost pixels (default -1)
-lostlow int
Bit rotation on the bottom and lost pixels (default -1)
-mask string
Mask to apply on each bit of the sprite (to apply an and operation on each pixel with the value #AA [in hexdecimal: #AA or 0xAA, in decimal: 170] ex: martine -in myimage.png -width 40 -height 80 -mask #AA -mode 0 -maskand)
Will apply an AND operation on each byte with the mask
Will apply an OR operation on each byte with the mask
-mode int
Output mode to use :
0 for mode0
1 for mode1
2 for mode2
and add -fullscreen option for overscan export.
(default -1)
-mode2 int
Output mode to use :
0 for mode0
1 for mode1
2 for mode2
mode of the second input file (flash mode) (default -1)
-multiplier float
Error dithering multiplier. (default 1.18)
No amsdos header for all files (default amsdos header added).
Display every other line.
Display every other row.
-out string
Output directory
-pal string
Apply the input palette to the image
-pal2 string
Apply the input palette to the second image (flash mode)
Plus mode (means generate an image for CPC Plus Screen)
-processfile string
Process file path to apply.
Use additionnal quantization for dithering.
-reducer int
Reducer mask will reduce original image colors. Available :
1 : lower
2 : medium
3 : strong
(default -1)
-remotepath string
Remote path on your M4 where you want to copy your files.
Transform .scr (overscan or not) file with palette (pal or kit file) into png file
-rla int
Bit rotation on the left and keep pixels (default -1)
Roll mode allow to walk and walk into the input file, associated with rla,rra,sra,sla, keephigh, keeplow, losthigh or lostlow options.
Allow rotation on the input image, the input image must be a square (width equals height)
Allow 3d rotation on the input image, the input image must be a square (width equals height)
-rotate3dtype int
Rotation type :
1 rotate on X axis
2 rotate on Y axis
3 rotate reverse X axis
4 rotate left to right on Y axis
5 diagonal rotation on X axis
6 diagonal rotation on Y axis
-rotate3dx0 int
X0 coordinate to apply in 3d rotation (default width of the image/2) (default -1)
-rotate3dy0 int
Y0 coordinate to apply in 3d rotation (default height of the image/2) (default -1)
-rra int
Bit rotation on the right and keep pixels (default -1)
-scanlinesequence string
Scanline sequence to apply on sprite. for instance :
martine -in myimage.jpg -width 4 -height 4 -scanlinesequence 0,2,1,3
will generate a sprite stored with lines order 0 2 1 and 3.
-sla int
Bit rotation on the left and lost pixels (default -1)
Copy files in a new CPC image Sna.
Create Split rastered image. (Will produce Overscan output file and .SPL with split rasters file)
Generate sprite hard for cpc plus.
-sra int
Bit rotation on the right and lost pixels (default -1)
-statement string
Byte statement to replace in ascii export (default is db), you can replace or instance by defb or byte
Tile mode to create multiples sprites from a same image.
Analyse the input image and generate the tiles, the tile map and global schema.
for instance: martine -in board.png -mode 0 -width 8 -height 8 -out folder -dsk
Generate text format output.
print martine's version
-width int
Custom output width in pixels. (Will produce a sprite file .win) (default -1)
-win string
Filepath of the ocp win file
-z int
Compression algorithm :
1: rle (default)
2: rle 16bits
3: Lz4 Classic
4: Lz4 Raw
5: zx0 crunch
(default -1)
generate data in zigzag order (inc first line and dec next line for tiles)
Principles : Martine can be used in several modes :
- first mode : conversion of an input image into sprite (file .win), cpc screen (file .scr) and overscan screen (larger file .scr)
- second mode : rotate line or column pixels of an input image (option -roll)
- bulk conversion of a tiles page : each sprites of the same width and height will be converted to sprites (files .win, option -tile)
- rotate an existing image, will produce images rotated
- 3d rotate an existing image on an axis.
- egx mode screen generation (screen which alternates 2 modes (0,1,2) each line).
- delta packing, allows you to create your own animation using the less memory as possible, keeping the maximum of speed.
- tilemap generate the map of tiles and sprites of the input map.
- split raster to generate a rastered screen
- flash to generate a flash screen
examples :
convert samples/Batman-Neal-Adams.jpg
- in mode 0
martine -in samples/Batman-Neal-Adams.jpg -mode 0
- in mode 1
martine -in samples/Batman-Neal-Adams.jpg -mode 1
- in mode 2
martine -in samples/Batman-Neal-Adams.jpg -mode 2
- in mode 0 in overscan :
martine -in samples/Batman-Neal-Adams.jpg -mode 0 -f
- in mode 0 overscan for Plus series :
martine -in samples/Batman-Neal-Adams.jpg -mode 0 -fullscreen -p
- to get sprites (40 pixels wide)
martine -in samples/Batman-Neal-Adams.jpg -mode 0 -width 40
- roll mode to do an rra operation on the image (will create 16 sprites with a rra operation on the first pixels on the left)
martine -in samples/Batman-Neal-Adams.jpg -mode 0 -width 40 -roll -rra 1 -iter 16
- in mode 0
Samples :
martine -in samples/Batman-Neal-Adams.jpg -mode 0 -f
will resize the image and save it
after downgrade the colors palette :
results on a CPC emulator :
martine -in samples/rotate.png -mode 0 -width 16 -height 16 -roll -rra 1 -iter 16
sames phasis reduce size and downgrade colors palette to CPC palette.
after rotate the first pixels' column in 16 differents images :
with the same image, to rotate the pixels line :
martine -in samples/rotate.png -mode 0 -width 16 -height 16 -roll -keephigh 2 -iter 16
will produce images :
this option will extract all the tiles from an image and generate the sprites files.
sample usage :
martine -in samples/tiles.png -tile -width 64 -iterx 14 -itery 7 -mode 0
This command will generate 14*7 sprites of 64 pixels large. Warn, all sprite must have the same size.
This option able to rotate the input image, iter will generate the number of images.
martine -in images/coke.jpg -rotate -iter 16 -out test -mode 1 -width 32 -height 32
This option able to rotate the input image on an axis (X or Y and even on a diagonal), iter will generate the number of images.
./martine -mode 0 -width 64 -height 64 -rotate3d -rotate3dtype 2 -out test/ -in images/sonic.png -iter 12
This option allows to create allow tiles and tile map from the input image. If for instance you use the mario level 1 like this :
martine -in mario-level1.png -width 16 -height 16 -tilemap -out Mario-level1
By this command line, martine will analyse the image to find all tiles 16 pixels high and 16 pixels wide. It will keep in memory the tile position to produce the tile map.
A csv ot the same tile map is also created (tilesmap.asm).
Martine will also generate all tiles found.
tile 00
tile 01
tile 02
tile 03
tile 04
tile 05
tile 06
tile 07
tile 08
tile 09
tile 10
tile 11
tile 12
tile 13
tile 14
tile 15
tile 16
tile 17
tile 18
tile 19
tile 20
tile 21
tile 22
tile 23
tile 24
tile 25
tile 26
tile 27
tile 28
tile 29
tile 30
tile 31
and the palette for each tile for instance :
The egx mode was introduced by Targhan in his game Ishido. This mode alternate differents screen mode. First line in mode 1, second line mode in mode 0, third in mode 1 etc ...
Two differents formats are available egx1 and egx2 :
- egx1 alternates mode 0 and mode 1
- egx2 alternates mode 1 and mode 2
Martine lets the user to choose the input images. Like this you can combine dithering in the image mode 1, to get a better render.
In this example I will use this image :
So you need to generate two images in differents modes such as follow :
martine -in images/bwind.jpg -mode 0 -out egx_bwind/mode0 -f
martine -in images/bwind.jpg -mode 1 -dithering 10 -out egx_bwind/mode1 -f
results :
It's important to generate in differents folders, martine will erase the files generated by the first command.
Now create the egx file by the command :
martine -egx1 -mode 0 -in egx_bwind/mode0/BWINND.SCR -m2 1 -i2 egx_bwind/mode1/BWINND.SCR -out egx_bwind/ -pal egx_bwind/mode0/BWINND.PAL -fullscreen -dsk
Some explanations :
I choose here to be in full screen (option -f).
martine needs to know the two modes of each input images (here -mode 0 mode 0 for the first image, -m2 1 mode 1 for the second image).
-in and -i2 for the .scr images.
And the palette path option -pal.
You can note that martine allows you to choose you own palette. You can modify your palette to have a different rendering.
If you want to iterate and gets the results quickly on your own machine, I advise you to add the M4 option and use the sna output.
Complete your command line with for instance -sna -host -autoexec
This technic allows you to display animation on your CPC easily.
For this technic you will need to script a little, even martine facilitates the data transformation.
The steps are :
- images traitment (if your starting image is gif for instance)
- create a reference palette (this palette will be applied on all sprite conversion)
- conversion of the sprite
- differential computing on each sprite
- parsing results
For instance here, I will start with this gif image :
You may not know, but the gif format allows pixel delta between sequence.
To avoid to get part of image, you need to traite the image before.
I use here convert from ImageMagick :
convert megaman.gif -coalesce -scale 528x528 output.gif
No visual changes, but now you can extract and get the whole image by sequence.
Extract image from gif (same convert binary):
convert output.gif images/m%02d.png
Now create your reference palette :
martine -mode 0 -in images/m00.png -out reference -dsk
Iterate on all png to create sprite for each images :
for i in images/m*.png; do martine -in "$i" -mode 0 -width 50 -height 50 -out sprites -pal reference/M000.PAL ; done
You will obtain in the sprites folder all sprites.
Compute the difference between images and ouput screen address (here the sprite will start at the address #D005):
martine -delta -df sprites/\*.WIN -out delta -address "#D005" -json
Format your data :
prepare_delta -sprite sprites/m00.json -mode 0 -delta delta/\*.json -out data.asm
The assembly code can be compiled with Rasm from Roudoudou :
;--- dimensions du sprite ----
large equ 100 / 2
haut equ 100
org #1000
run $
; gestion du mode
;ld bc,#7f8c
;out (c),c
;--- selection du mode ---------
ld a,0
call #BC0E
;--- gestion de la palette ----
call palettefirmware
call xvbl
;--- affichage du sprite initiale --
; affichage du premier sprite
ld de,#C000 ; adresse de l'ecran
ld hl,sprite ; pointeur sur l'image en memoire
ld b, haut ; hauteur de l'image
push bc ; sauve le compteur hauteur dans la pile
push de ; sauvegarde de l'adresse ecran dans la pile
ld bc, large ; largeur de l'image a afficher
ldir ; remplissage de n * largeur octets a l'adresse dans de
pop de ; recuperation de l'adresse d'origine
ex de,hl ; echange des valeurs des adresses
call bc26 ; calcul de l'adresse de la ligne suivante
ex de,hl ; echange des valeurs des adresses
pop bc ; retabli le compteur
djnz loop
mainloop ; routine pour afficher les deltas provenant de martine
;call #bb06
call xvbl
ld hl,delta00
call delta
;call #bb06
call xvbl
ld hl,delta01
call delta
;call #bb06
call xvbl
ld hl,delta02
call delta
;call #bb06
call xvbl
ld hl,delta03
call delta
;call #bb06
call xvbl
ld hl,delta04
call delta
;call #bb06
call xvbl
ld hl,delta05
call delta
;call #bb06
call xvbl
ld hl,delta06
call delta
;call #bb06
call xvbl
ld hl,delta07
call delta
;call #bb06
call xvbl
ld hl,delta08
call delta
;call #bb06
call xvbl
ld hl,delta09
call delta
jp mainloop
;--- routine de deltapacking --------------------------
ld a,(hl) ; nombre de byte a poker
ld (nbbytepoked),a ; stockage en mémoire
inc hl
ld a,(hl) ; octet a poker
ld (pixel),a
inc hl
ld c,(hl) ; nbfois
inc hl
ld b,(hl)
inc hl
ld e,(hl)
inc hl
ld d,(hl) ; de=adresse
inc hl
ld a,(pixel)
ld (de),a ; poke a l'adresse dans de
dec bc
ld a,b ; test a t'on poke toutes les adresses compteur bc
or a
jr nz, poke_octet
ld a,c
or a
jr nz, poke_octet
ld a,(nbbytepoked) ; reste t'il d'autres bytes a poker ?
dec a
ld (nbbytepoked),a
jr nz,init
; attente de plusieurs vbl
xvbl ld e,30
call waitvbl
dec e
jr nz,xvbl+2
;---- attente vbl ----------
ld b,#f5 ; attente vbl
in a,(c)
jp nc,vbl
;--- application palette firmware -------------
palettefirmware ; hl pointe sur les valeurs de la palette
ld a,0
ld b,0
ld c,0
call #bc32
ld a,1
ld b,15
ld c,15
call #bc32
ld a,2
ld b,1
ld c,1
call #bc32
ld a,3
ld b,10
ld c,10
call #bc32
ld a,4
ld b,11
ld c,11
call #bc32
ld a,5
ld b,12
ld c,12
call #bc32
ld a,6
ld b,13
ld c,13
call #bc32
ld a,7
ld b,14
ld c,14
call #bc32
ld a,8
ld b,23
ld c,23
call #bc32
ld a,9
ld b,16
ld c,16
call #bc32
ld a,10
ld b,26
ld c,26
call #bc32
;---- recuperation de l'adresse de la ligne en dessous ------------
ld a,h
add a,8
ld h,a ; <---- le fameux que tu as oublié !
ret nc
ld bc,#c050 ; on passe en 96 colonnes
add hl,bc
res 3,h
;--- variables memoires -----
pixel db 0
nbbytepoked db 0
;------- data ---------------------------
include 'data.asm'