GitHub Actions / test report (Node.js 18.10.0, ESLint 8, Angular ESLint 16)
Apr 17, 2024 in 1s
81 passed, 0 failed and 0 skipped
✅ coverage/junit.xml
81 tests were completed in 3s with 81 passed, 0 failed and 0 skipped.
Test suite | Passed | Failed | Skipped | Time |
tests/rules/eslint-plugin-angular-template-consistent-this/test.ts | 81✅ | 3s |
✅ tests/rules/eslint-plugin-angular-template-consistent-this/test.ts
eslint-plugin-angular-template-consistent-this › valid
✅ Only properties should be prefixed, not values. Explicit.
✅ Only properties should be prefixed, not values. Implicit.
✅ Data-binding. Explicit.
✅ Data-binding. Implicit.
✅ Data-binding. Other options shouldn't affect result.
✅ Data-binding, with extra whitespaces and tabs. Explicit.
✅ Data-binding, with extra whitespaces and tabs. Implicit.
✅ Data-binding, with extra whitespaces and tabs. Other options shouldn't affect result.
✅ Data-binding, with line-breaks. Explicit.
✅ Data-binding, with line-breaks. Implicit.
✅ Data-binding, with line-breaks. Other options shouldn't affect result.
✅ Interpolation. Explicit.
✅ Interpolation. Implicit.
✅ Interpolation. Other options shouldn't affect result.
✅ Interpolation, with extra whitespaces and tabs. Explicit.
✅ Interpolation, with extra whitespaces and tabs. Implicit.
✅ Interpolation, with extra whitespaces and tabs. Other options shouldn't affect result.
✅ Interpolation, with line-breaks. Explicit.
✅ Interpolation, with line-breaks. Implicit.
✅ Interpolation, with line-breaks. Other options shouldn't affect result.
✅ Interpolation, with pipes. Explicit.
✅ Interpolation, with pipes. Implicit.
✅ Interpolation, with pipes. Other options shouldn't affect result.
✅ Data-binding & interpolation with sub-properties. Explicit.
✅ Data-binding & interpolation with sub-properties. Implicit.
✅ Data-binding & interpolation with sub-properties. Other options shouldn't affect result.
✅ NgIf directive `*ngIf`. Explicit property.
✅ NgIf directive `*ngIf`. Implicit property.
✅ NgIf directive `*ngIf`. Other options shouldn't affect result.
✅ NgIf directive `[ngIf]`. Explicit property.
✅ NgIf directive `[ngIf]`. Implicit property.
✅ NgIf directive `[ngIf]`. Other options shouldn't affect result.
✅ NgIf directive `*ngIf` with "as variable". Explicit variable.
✅ NgIf directive `*ngIf` with "as variable". Implicit variable.
✅ NgIf directive `*ngIf` with "as variable". Other options shouldn't affect result.
✅ NgIf directive `*ngIf` with "let variable". Explicit variable.
✅ NgIf directive `*ngIf` with "let variable". Implicit variable.
✅ NgIf directive `*ngIf` with "let variable". Other options shouldn't affect result.
✅ NgIf directive `*ngIf` with then & else references to templates that are defined *after* property reading. Explicit template references.
✅ NgIf directive `*ngIf` with then & else references to templates that are defined *after* property reading. Implicit template references.
✅ NgIf directive `*ngIf` with then & else references to templates that are defined *after* property reading. Other options shouldn't affect result.
✅ NgForOf directive `*ngFor` with exported values and trackBy option. Explicit.
✅ NgForOf directive `*ngFor` with exported values and trackBy option. Implicit.
✅ NgForOf directive `[ngForOf]` with exported values and trackBy option. Explicit.
✅ NgForOf directive `[ngForOf]` with exported values and trackBy option. Implicit.
✅ NgTemplateOutlet directive `*ngTemplateOutlet` with context and templates that are defined *after* property reading. Default options.
✅ NgTemplateOutlet directive `*ngTemplateOutlet` with context and templates that are defined *after* property reading. Explicit.
✅ NgTemplateOutlet directive `*ngTemplateOutlet` with context and templates that are defined *after* property reading. Implicit.
✅ Template *reference* variable (`#template`) accessed via data-binding. Default options.
✅ Template *reference* variable (`#template`) accessed via data-binding. Explicit.
✅ Template *reference* variable (`#template`) accessed via data-binding. Implicit.
✅ Template *reference* variable (`#template`) accessed via interpolation. Default options.
✅ Template *reference* variable (`#template`) accessed via interpolation. Explicit.
✅ Template *reference* variable (`#template`) accessed via interpolation. Implicit.
✅ EventEmitter $event.
eslint-plugin-angular-template-consistent-this › invalid
✅ It fails with data-binding implicit property where it should be an explicit property.
✅ It fails with data-binding explicit property where it should be an implicit property.
✅ It fails with data-binding implicit property where it should be an explicit property, no matter of whitespaces and tabs.
✅ It fails with data-binding explicit property where it should be an implicit property, no matter of whitespaces and tabs.
✅ It fails with data-binding implicit property where it should be an explicit property, no matter of line-breaks.
✅ It fails with data-binding explicit property where it should be an implicit property, no matter of line-breaks.
✅ It fails with interpolation implicit property where it should be an explicit property.
✅ It fails with interpolation explicit property where it should be an implicit property.
✅ It fails with interpolation implicit property where it should be an explicit property, no matter of whitespaces and tabs.
✅ It fails with interpolation explicit property where it should be an implicit property, no matter of whitespaces and tabs.
✅ It fails with interpolation implicit property where it should be an explicit property, no matter of line-breaks.
✅ It fails with interpolation explicit property where it should be an implicit property, no matter of line-breaks.
✅ It fails with interpolation implicit property where it should be an explicit property, with pipes.
✅ It fails with interpolation explicit property where it should be an implicit property, with pipes.
✅ It fails with data-binding & interpolation implicit property where it should be an explicit property, ignoring sub-properties.
✅ It fails with data-binding & interpolation explicit property where it should be an implicit property, ignoring sub-properties.
✅ It fails with data-binding implicit template reference variable via data-binding where it should be explicit.
✅ It fails with data-binding explicit template reference variable via data-binding where it should be implicit.
✅ It fails with interpolation implicit template reference variable via interpolation where it should be explicit.
✅ It fails with interpolation explicit template reference variable via interpolation where it should be implicit.
✅ It fails with implicit properties & variables & template references where it should be explicit properties & variables & template references inside NgIf directive.
✅ It fails with explicit properties & variables & template references where it should be implicit properties & variables & template references inside NgIf directive.
✅ It fails with implicit properties & variables where it should be explicit properties & variables inside NgFor directive.
✅ It fails with explicit properties & variables where it should be implicit properties & variables inside NgFor directive.
✅ It fails with data-binding implicit property where it should be an explicit property, with weird indentation.
✅ It fails with data-binding explicit property where it should be an implicit property, with weird indentation.