This repository contains scripts used to reproduce study published in Ji, Mishra, Davuluri, Scientific Reports, 2020. The aim is to perform a global survey and computational analysis of protein isoforms/splice variants that may affect drug-gene interactions.
- R (≥ 3.4.3)
- Bioconductor
- Data from DGIDB, Ensembl, BioLIP, TCGA, GTEx
- The Drug Gene Interaction Database (DGIDB) ( - Interactions TSV, Genes TSV, Drugs TSV
- Ensembl GRCh38.p12/GENCODE v30 BioMart ( - Gene, transcript and protein annotations
- BioLIP protein function database ( - Non-redundant set
- DrugBank, CHEMBL and PDB - for ID mapping and conversion
- TCGA, GTEx expression data from UCSC Xena Browser (
- isoform_drug_targets.R - major R notebook containing the analysis workflow (summary statistics, multiple alignments)
- expression_tcga_gtex.R - RNA-Seq expression analysis of splice variants as shown in Fig. 7 and 8
- helpers.R - script containing some auxiliary functions to be used in the analysis.