This Repo is moved from jerrywdlee/EnergyDataSimulationChallenge and is a web app for exhibiting EnergyDataSimulationChallenge challenges
- postgresql >= 10.2
- ruby: >= 2.6.1
- bundler: >= 2.0.0
- nodejs: >= 8.0
- yarn: >= 1.13.0
- docker: >= 17.12.0
$ bundle install
$ bundle exec rails db:create
$ bundle exec rails db:migrate
$ bundle exec rails s
# page will shown on localhost:18000
Default User
Password: admin2019
Admin part is based on Vue Element Admin and Vue Typescript Admin Template, special thanks.
Set vendor/admin
As Root Path
$ yarn install
$ yarn serve
# page will shown on localhost:8080
Add New SVG Icons
$ cp YOUR_ICON.svg ./src/icons/svg
$ npx vsvg -s ./src/icons/svg -t ./src/icons/components --ext ts --es6
$ bundle exec rspec
# Coverage in `caesaris/coverage`
# Coverage(2019-07-12): 1040 / 1048 LOC (99.24%)
Set vendor/admin
As Root Path
$ yarn test:unit
# Coverage in `tests/unit/coverage`
# Coverage(2019-06-24): 94.12%, WIP
- Install Postgres and set
- Set
bybundle exec rake secret
$ bundle install
$ cd vendor/admin; yarn install; cd -
$ bundle exec rails db:create
$ bundle exec rails db:migrate
$ bundle exec rake assets:precompile
$ bundle exec puma -C config/puma.rb
# bond nginx to `localhost:18000`
# Admin(Vue.js) will be built and serve by Rails server
$ echo "SECRET_KEY_BASE=`bundle exec rake secret`" >> .env
$ docker-compose build
# Run Database Migration in Docker
$ docker-compose run web bundle exec rake db:create
$ docker-compose run web bundle exec rake db:migrate
$ docker-compose up -d
# bond nginx to `localhost:38000`
# Admin(Vue.js) will be built and serve by Rails server
Clustered By KMeans From 2 To 4
Copyright (c) 2019 Iuliana Caesaris Augusta