Codecademy project to create a mixed messages using three different quotes.
- Inspiration Quote:
- Biblical Verse:
- ASCII Representation:
The main script is script.js. Sefaria.js is a function to get a random Bible verse.
getBibleVerse steps are as follows:
- Write down all 24 books of Tanach to prep for the Sefaria API.
- Return one book of the array randomly.
- Use that specific index (book), the Sefaria API will return the value of number of chapters in the book.
- Using the book value and the chapter value, have the API return data on that specific chapter.
- Return the value of number of verses in chapter based on length of text array.
- With book, chapter, and number of verses in a chapter, return final quote.
Initially to be just a script, I decided to turn it into a webpage. Therefore, there is a server script that is to be executed to use this. However, "fetch-node" should work if one is just using the script.js.