Implementation of 2005 SIGGRAPH paper J. Sun et al. Image completion with structure propagation.
Code skeleton comes from here.
Contributed by Jessie Peng
User interface
- choose input image
- draw mask
- draw structure lines/curve
Structure propagation
- single line
- multiple lines
- curve
Photometric correction (copied from
cmake-build-debug/sp_result: output after structure propagation
cmake-build-debug/ts_result: output after texture synthesis
cmake-build-debug/mask_structure: mask of structures
- Language: C++14
- IDE: CLion 2018.3
- OpenCV 4.0.1
Contributed by Xiu
Demo video in weibo (Watching with your phone will be better)
- Language: C++14
- IDE: Microsoft Visual Studio 2017
- OpenCV 3.3.0 (suitable for OpenCV 4 and Opencv 2)