This is a gem for using backblaze with activestorage.
Since this was created before backblaze supported S3 apis, this gem was relevant back then. But now you can directly use the S3 endpoints with Backblaze B2 and skip this gem
Readmore: #4
gem 'activestorage-backblaze'
Then in your storage.yml, use the following
service: Backblaze
bucket_name: <bucket_name>
bucket_id: <bucket_id>
key_id: <keyId>
key_token: <keyToken>
In your environments/production.rb or application.rb (depending on your choice) add the following:
config.active_storage.service = :backblaze
Add this to your package.json
"@jeygeethan/actiontext-backblaze": "^6.1.3-alpha"
This includes the activestorage-backblaze npm package as a dependency. Javascript is needed for direct uploads and use in Trix editor.