Group project component for High Performance Machine Learning done in Columbia University for Fall 2023.
Work done by Jit Soon Foo, Tri Le
This project looks at applying pruning to a Mask-RCNN network to reduce the model size.
Dataset: Penn-Fudan Database
This repository looks at application and effect of pruning on a Mask-RCNN network for pedestrian detection.
- Google colab
We studied two main pruning algorithms, PyTorch's pruning and Torch-pruning.
Follow tutorial in (revised)torchvision_finetuning_instance_segmentation.ipynb to perform transfer learning from Faster RCNN to Mask RCNN. Then follow up with running Pytorch's pruning on the network.
Perform pruning with Torch-Pruning in Torch-pruning_noRetrain.ipynb and Torch-pruning_retrain.ipynb. Results are logged in wandb ( and