Firmware for the Arduino Uno to read GPS data from the Ublox NEO 6M GPS module and record it to an SD Card (formatted to the FAT filing system).
Records latitude, longitude, and timestamp (in universal coordinated
time, UTC) in CSV format to a file named DATA.CSV
- SoftwareSerial -
- TinyGPS -
Clone this repo, then using the Arduino IDE make sure SoftwareSerial is available in your programming environment. If it's not add the library to the IDE. Then add TinyGPS by downloading the library from the link above, then including the library in the Arduino IDE.
To include the TinyGPS library, from the top bar menu on the IDE go to Sketch > Include Library > Add .ZIP Library... and select on the TinyGPS repository.
Once the IDE has the dependencies, simply open the code from
in the IDE and upload it to a connected Uno.
The chip select for the SD card shild used in the code is pin 10. If the chip select differs on your device, edit the following line.
if (!SD.begin(10)) {
And use your chip select instead of (10)
SoftwareSerial is configured to receive on digital pin 2 and transmit on digital pin 3. If your GPS module is not connected to the Uno with receive on digital pin 2 and transmit on digital pin 3 edit the following line of the code.
SoftwareSerial mySerial(3,4);
Instead of (3,4)
, in the first position set the value of your receive
pin +1 and in the second position set the value of your transmit pin +1.
For more information see my blog post.