Fork from socketio/ which has not published any official release since 2021.
See original repo for documentation.
This version adds the following:
- CPM.cmake for dependency management
- nlohmann/json as a replacement of rapidjson (which has no official release since 2016!)
- preliminary msgpack parser support
Usage example:
sio::client sio;
std::string token = std::getenv("APP_TOKEN");
sio.connect("http://localhost:3000/", sio::message::from_json(
{ "token", "Bearer " + token }
sio.socket()->on("person", sio::socket::event_listener([&](sio::event &event)
json j = event.get_message()->to_json();
std::cout << "received: " << j.dump(2) << std::endl;
sio.socket()->emit("echo", sio::message::from_json(j));