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Justin W. Flory edited this page Oct 11, 2015 · 7 revisions


Although it may seem complicated at first, this plugin makes configuration painless and straightforward. Provided you have arenas available to work with, you can have this plugin fully configured and functioning in half an hour or less.

Arena Configuration

  1. Type /scb setlobbyspawn to set the global server lobby spawn (if you have not done so already).
  2. Select the entire region you would like to make an arena. with WorldEdit
  3. Type /scb createarena to register the arena in the plugin.
  4. Type /scb setlobby <arena #> to set the lobby for the arena.
  5. Type /scb setspawn next to set spawnpoints in the arena you are standing in.
  6. Type /scb enable <arena #> to enable an arena.
  7. You can now type /scb join <arena #> to join an arena!

In addition to creating an arena, you can also change the number of players required and the maximum number of players for a map by using /scb <setmin|setmax> <arena #> <number of players>.

Class Configuration

  1. Teleport into one of your arena lobbies and place a sign.
  2. Format the sign as follows:
  • Line 1: [SCB]
  • Line 2: Class
  • Line 3: <class name here>
  1. Your class sign is now active!

Currently, classes are limited to pre-configured classes included in the plugin. Eventually, support will be added for player-defined classes.

  • Blaze
  • Cactus
  • Creeper
  • Enderman
  • Ghast
  • Skeleton
  • Spider
  • Witch
  • Wither
  • Zombie


# Just like the original Super Smash Bros., this setting will change the
# gameplay of the plugin to try to use "percentage points" instead of
# player health. The plugin will automatically try and increase the
# knockback of hits done to players who have higher "points". Note, this
# feature is in beta and thus may not work fully, use at your own risk!
use-percents: false

# This setting deals with the amount of time in seconds before a lobby will
# start when it meets the player requirements for a game. By default, it is
# 60 seconds but you can change it as you please.
countdown: 60
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