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Justin W. Flory edited this page Jan 29, 2016 · 5 revisions

Welcome to the SuperCraftBros wiki!

What is it?

Originally based off the classic Nintendo game, SuperCraftBros is a class-based PvP game where players fight to be the last one alive. Gameplay begins in a lobby where players get to choose from a variety of different classes, all with different weapons, items, and perks. After a countdown, players then spawn into an arena of your own creation where they can fight to the last breath with their kits. Players have a set number of lives before they are "out" and return to the lobby. This is a great minigame for small and large servers alike.


  1. Download and install WorldEdit.
  2. Download the SuperCraftBros plugin from
  3. Upload the SuperCraftBros.jar file into your plugins/ folder.
  4. Restart your server.
  5. Begin configuring SuperCraftBros!

Getting Started

If you're just getting started using SuperCraftBros, it's easy to have your own server up and running in no time. There's a few different steps of getting your server running that you'll need to follow.

Arena Configuration

  1. Type /scb setlobbyspawn to set the global server lobby spawn (if you have not done so already).
  2. Select the entire region you would like to make an arena. with WorldEdit
  3. Type /scb createarena to register the arena in the plugin.
  4. Type /scb setlobby <arena #> to set the lobby for the arena.
  5. Type /scb setspawn next to set spawnpoints in the arena you are standing in.
  6. Type /scb enable <arena #> to enable an arena.
  7. You can now type /scb join <arena #> to join an arena!

Class Configuration

  1. Teleport into one of your arena lobbies and place a sign.
  2. Format the sign as follows:
  • Line 1: [SCB]
  • Line 2: Class
  • Line 3: <class name here>
  1. Your class sign is now active!

More information can be found on the Configuration page.


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Commands and Permissions

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