This repository contains the code used to deploy my Neovim configuration.
These instructions will get you a copy of the project up and running on your local machine.
The following applications need to be installed on the local workstation to use and manage Neovim:
Application | Minimum Version | Link |
neovim | 0.9.5 + | Link |
brew (MacOS only) | 4.3.21 + | Link |
Once you installed all the required prerequisites, you can now proceed with the initialization of the providers and backend by completing the following steps:
Create the following directory on your local workstation:
mdkir -p ~/.config/nvim
Execute the below command to download the repository to your local machine:
git clone ~/.config/nvim
Navigate to the repository directory:
cd ~/.config/nvim
To complete the install of all the necessary dependencies for Neovim, execute the following bash script as
:chmod + ~/.config/nvim/ ~/.config/nvim/
The table below presents the folder structure for this repository:
Folder | Description |
colors | Contains the custom colorscheme files |
kitty | Contains the Kitty terminal configuration file |
lua | Contains the Neovim specific configurations |
lua/plugins | Contains the list of plugins deployed using Lazy.nvim |
The following table shows the list of all the plugins that are used by Neovim with their purpose:
Plugin Name | Purpose |
telescope | Navigator |
nvim-treesitter | Code Highlighter |
indent-blankline | Utility |
undotree | Utility |
gitsigns.nvim | Git |
nvim-web-devicons | Theme |
todo-comments.nvim | Utility |
Comment.nvim | Utility |
flash.nvim | Navigation |
lualine.nvim | Theme |
vim-fugitive | Git |
oil.nvim | File Explorer |
conform.nvim | Formatter |
gp.nvim | ChatGPT |
lsp-zero.nvim | LSP |
nvim-lspconfig.nvim | LSP |
mason.nvim | LSP |
mason-lspconfig.nvim | LSP |
nvim-cmp | LSP |
lspkind.nvim | Autocompletion |
cmp-buffer | Autocompletion |
cmp-path | Autocompletion |
cmp_luasnip | Autocompletion |
cmp-nvim-lsp | Autocompletion |
cmp-nvim-lua | Autocompletion |
LuaSnip | Snippets |
friendly-snippets | Snippets |