All GitHub has done is centralize [GitHub22], monopolize [Dohmke22] and most recently abuse [DeVault22] the niche activity that is distributed use of one specific version control system. Following the mania of this century's first quarter, they have done so by building a sluggish webby mammoth. Since proper usage of a version control system is a niche within a niche, they battened their creation with increasingly friendlier (a marketing term to conceal one's conception of incompetence regarding one's customers) features, leaving their once vital core rotting in the dust. What is left is a sheer unrecognisable shadow with a vicious compulsion for no one to notice their ruse.
Long gone are the primordial ideas of the Web, democratizing and decentralizing information across borders. For most, also gone are Git's defining principles: "--distributed-is-the-new-centralized" [Git22].
I am no longer interested in participating in this aloof Octocat mess. Should you wish to view my work, visit either my blog ( or clone my public git repositories ( Should you wish to comment on my work, feel free to write me a letter (
Jonathan Frech, 2022-07-12
- [DeVault22] DeVault, Drew: GitHub Copilot and open source laundering. Blog post, 2022-06-23. Online: [accessed 2022-07-09]
- [Dohmke22] Dohmke, Thomas: GitHub Copilot is generally available to all developers. On the GitHub blog, 2022-06-21. Online: [accessed 2022-07-12]
- [Git22] Git: (banner slogan). Online: [accessed 2022-07-12; HTTP response is not static].
- [GitHub22] GitHub: About. Online: [accessed 2022-07-12]