pybib is an easy way to get citations for your LaTeX document. Instead of typing out BibTeX entries yourself, just give pybib the Digital Object Identifier (DOI) of the resource you want to cite and it will get all the information for you. Then, you can just add the citation it gives you to your BibTeX file.
The package is available on PyPi and can be installed with the following command:
$ pip3 install --user pybib
For user-only installs, pip installs scripts to the directory
, so make sure it’s in your path. If you would prefer to
install it system-wide, just leave out the --user
Get a citation:
$ bib get 10.1112/plms/s2-42.1.230
Get a citation and add it to your bibliography file:
$ bib get 10.1145/159544.159617 >> citations.bib
Get a citation and add it to your bibliography file, running it through
first to format the entry and auto-generate a citation key:
$ bib get 10.1145/159544.159617 | bibtool >> citations.bib
Search for a resource:
$ bib search name of the resource
Get the citation for search result number N
$ bib search name of the resource --get N
If you encounter any problems, please open an issue so I can rectify them as soon as possible.