dababy-bot is a Discord bot based on hit artist DaBaby designed for small community servers. It features role management, YouTube radio, hand-made server events, various bot interactions, and more!
Dababy can do a lot of things! Some major features include:
- Messaging: Talk with Dababy and he'll say random lines from his songs. Or use a persona to impersonate another server member!
- Stats: Quickly get information about a user or role.
- Server Events: Personally designed server events that can be enabled or disabled in a breeze.
- Interaction: Interact with the bot in other ways, such as rock-paper-scissors or randomly selecting someone as "sus." ඞ
- Roles: Users can manually add or remove cosmetic roles such as video-game-specific ones.
- Jail: Admins can send users to Brazil if they misbehave and the bot will keep track of them automatically.
- YouTube Radio: The bot offers basic music functionality for voice channels.
This bot is designed for small-scale use, so there is no invite link.