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Add support for list of figures (lof) and list of tables (lot) (#10029)
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Two new command-line options are added:

`--lof[=true|false]`, `--list-of-figures[=true|false]`
`--lot[=true|false]`, `--list-of-tables[=true|false]`

Only docx, latex, and context are supported at this point.

Setting the `lof` and `lot` variables will also work for the formats that are
currently supported.

[API changes]

+ Lua: `list_of_figures` and `list_of_tables` can now be used in writer options.
+ Text.Pandoc.Options:  add `writerListOfFigures` and `writerListOfTables` fields
  to `WriterOptions`.
+ Text.Pandoc.App.Opt: add `optListOfFigures` and `optListOfTables` to `Opt`.

Closes #8245.

Co-authored-by: John MacFarlane <>
  • Loading branch information
acxz and jgm authored Sep 22, 2024
1 parent 46ebe25 commit ca34894
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Showing 12 changed files with 163 additions and 1 deletion.
35 changes: 34 additions & 1 deletion MANUAL.txt
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -870,6 +870,22 @@ header when requesting a document from a URL:
of contents. The default is 3 (which means that level-1, 2, and 3
headings will be listed in the contents).

`--lof[=true|false]`, `--list-of-figures[=true|false]`

: Include an automatically generated list of figures (or, in
some formats, an instruction to create one) in the output
document. This option has no effect unless `-s/--standalone`
is used, and it only has an effect on `latex`, `context`, and
`docx` output.

`--lot[=true|false]`, `--list-of-tables[=true|false]`

: Include an automatically generated list of tables (or, in
some formats, an instruction to create one) in the output
document. This option has no effect unless `-s/--standalone`
is used, and it only has an effect on `latex`, `context`, and
`docx` output.


: Strip out HTML comments in the Markdown or Textile source,
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -2027,6 +2043,22 @@ To include the built-in citeproc filter, use either `citeproc` or
| ``` | ``` |
| ``` | ``` yaml |
| --list-of-figures | list-of-figures: true |
| ``` | ``` |
| ``` | ``` yaml |
| --lof | lof: true |
| ``` | ``` |
| ``` | ``` yaml |
| --list-of-tables | list-of-tables: true |
| ``` | ``` |
| ``` | ``` yaml |
| --lot | lot: true |
| ``` | ``` |
| ``` | ``` yaml |
| --incremental | incremental: true |
| ``` | ``` |
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -3079,7 +3111,8 @@ Pandoc uses these variables when [creating a PDF] with a LaTeX engine.
#### Front matter

`lof`, `lot`
: include list of figures, list of tables
: include list of figures, list of tables (can also be set using
`--lof/--list-of-figures`, `--lot/--list-of-tables`)

: contents of acknowledgments footnote after document title
Expand Down
6 changes: 6 additions & 0 deletions data/templates/default.openxml
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -49,6 +49,12 @@ $for(include-before)$
Expand Down
8 changes: 8 additions & 0 deletions doc/
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -190,6 +190,14 @@ the first one given is the default.

: Depth of sections to include in the table of contents.

`list-of-figures` (boolean, default false)

: Include a list of figures (in supported formats).

`list-of-tables` (boolean, default false)

: Include a list of tables (in supported formats).

`strip-comments` (boolean, default false)

: Causes HTML comments to be stripped in Markdown or Textile
Expand Down
10 changes: 10 additions & 0 deletions pandoc-lua-engine/src/Text/Pandoc/Lua/Marshal/WriterOptions.hs
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -145,6 +145,16 @@ typeWriterOptions = deftype "WriterOptions"
(pushBool, writerIncremental)
(peekBool, \opts x -> opts{ writerIncremental = x })

, property "list_of_figures"
"Include list of figures"
(pushBool, writerListOfFigures)
(peekBool, \opts x -> opts{ writerListOfFigures = x })

, property "list_of_tables"
"Include list of tables"
(pushBool, writerListOfTables)
(peekBool, \opts x -> opts{ writerListOfTables = x })

, property "listings"
"Use listings package for code"
(pushBool, writerListings)
Expand Down
2 changes: 2 additions & 0 deletions pandoc-server/src/Text/Pandoc/Server.hs
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -312,6 +312,8 @@ server = convertBytes
, writerSyntaxMap = defaultSyntaxMap
, writerVariables = optVariables opts
, writerTableOfContents = optTableOfContents opts
, writerListOfFigures = optListOfFigures opts
, writerListOfTables = optListOfTables opts
, writerIncremental = optIncremental opts
, writerHTMLMathMethod = optHTMLMathMethod opts
, writerNumberSections = optNumberSections opts
Expand Down
16 changes: 16 additions & 0 deletions src/Text/Pandoc/App/CommandLineOptions.hs
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -410,6 +410,22 @@ options =
"" -- "Number of levels to include in TOC"

, Option "" ["lof", "list-of-figures"]
(\arg opt -> do
boolValue <- readBoolFromOptArg "--lof/--list-of-figures" arg
return opt { optListOfFigures = boolValue })
"" -- "Include list of figures"

, Option "" ["lot", "list-of-tables"]
(\arg opt -> do
boolValue <- readBoolFromOptArg "--lot/--list-of-tables" arg
return opt { optListOfTables = boolValue })
"" -- "Include list of tables"

, Option "N" ["number-sections"]
(\arg opt -> do
Expand Down
14 changes: 14 additions & 0 deletions src/Text/Pandoc/App/Opt.hs
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -107,6 +107,8 @@ data Opt = Opt
, optFrom :: Maybe Text -- ^ Reader format
, optTo :: Maybe Text -- ^ Writer format
, optTableOfContents :: Bool -- ^ Include table of contents
, optListOfFigures :: Bool -- ^ Include list of figures
, optListOfTables :: Bool -- ^ Include list of tables
, optShiftHeadingLevelBy :: Int -- ^ Shift heading level by
, optTemplate :: Maybe FilePath -- ^ Custom template
, optVariables :: Context Text -- ^ Template variables to set
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -192,6 +194,8 @@ instance FromJSON Opt where
<*> o .:? "from"
<*> o .:? "to"
<*> o .:? "table-of-contents" .!= optTableOfContents defaultOpts
<*> o .:? "list-of-figures" .!= optListOfFigures defaultOpts
<*> o .:? "list-of-tables" .!= optListOfTables defaultOpts
<*> o .:? "shift-heading-level-by" .!= optShiftHeadingLevelBy defaultOpts
<*> o .:? "template"
<*> o .:? "variables" .!= optVariables defaultOpts
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -480,6 +484,14 @@ doOpt (k,v) = do
parseJSON v >>= \x -> return (\o -> o{ optTableOfContents = x })
"toc" ->
parseJSON v >>= \x -> return (\o -> o{ optTableOfContents = x })
"list-of-figures" ->
parseJSON v >>= \x -> return (\o -> o{ optListOfFigures = x })
"lof" ->
parseJSON v >>= \x -> return (\o -> o{ optListOfFigures = x })
"list-of-tables" ->
parseJSON v >>= \x -> return (\o -> o{ optListOfTables = x })
"lot" ->
parseJSON v >>= \x -> return (\o -> o{ optListOfTables = x })
"from" ->
parseJSON v >>= \x -> return (\o -> o{ optFrom = x })
"reader" ->
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -744,6 +756,8 @@ defaultOpts = Opt
, optFrom = Nothing
, optTo = Nothing
, optTableOfContents = False
, optListOfFigures = False
, optListOfTables = False
, optShiftHeadingLevelBy = 0
, optTemplate = Nothing
, optVariables = mempty
Expand Down
2 changes: 2 additions & 0 deletions src/Text/Pandoc/App/OutputSettings.hs
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -229,6 +229,8 @@ optToOutputSettings scriptingEngine opts = do
, writerVariables = variables
, writerTabStop = optTabStop opts
, writerTableOfContents = optTableOfContents opts
, writerListOfFigures = optListOfFigures opts
, writerListOfTables = optListOfTables opts
, writerHTMLMathMethod = optHTMLMathMethod opts
, writerIncremental = optIncremental opts
, writerCiteMethod = optCiteMethod opts
Expand Down
4 changes: 4 additions & 0 deletions src/Text/Pandoc/Options.hs
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -309,6 +309,8 @@ data WriterOptions = WriterOptions
, writerVariables :: Context Text -- ^ Variables to set in template
, writerTabStop :: Int -- ^ Tabstop for conversion btw spaces and tabs
, writerTableOfContents :: Bool -- ^ Include table of contents
, writerListOfFigures :: Bool -- ^ Include list of figures
, writerListOfTables :: Bool -- ^ Include list of tables
, writerIncremental :: Bool -- ^ True if lists should be incremental
, writerHTMLMathMethod :: HTMLMathMethod -- ^ How to print math in HTML
, writerNumberSections :: Bool -- ^ Number sections in LaTeX
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -352,6 +354,8 @@ instance Default WriterOptions where
, writerVariables = mempty
, writerTabStop = 4
, writerTableOfContents = False
, writerListOfFigures = False
, writerListOfTables = False
, writerIncremental = False
, writerHTMLMathMethod = PlainMath
, writerNumberSections = False
Expand Down
2 changes: 2 additions & 0 deletions src/Text/Pandoc/Writers/ConTeXt.hs
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -104,6 +104,8 @@ pandocToConTeXt options (Pandoc meta blocks) = do
mblang <- fromBCP47 (getLang options meta)
st <- get
let context = defField "toc" (writerTableOfContents options)
$ defField "lof" (writerListOfFigures options)
$ defField "lot" (writerListOfTables options)
$ defField "placelist"
(mconcat . intersperse ("," :: Doc Text) $
take (writerTOCDepth options +
Expand Down
63 changes: 63 additions & 0 deletions src/Text/Pandoc/Writers/Docx/OpenXML.hs
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -44,6 +44,7 @@ import Text.Pandoc.Translations (Term(Abstract), translateTerm)
import Text.Pandoc.MediaBag (lookupMedia, MediaItem(..))
import qualified Text.Pandoc.Translations as Term
import qualified Text.Pandoc.Class.PandocMonad as P
import qualified Text.Pandoc.Builder as B
import Text.Pandoc.UTF8 (fromTextLazy)
import Text.Pandoc.Definition
import Text.Pandoc.Highlighting (highlight)
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -170,6 +171,56 @@ makeTOC opts = do
]] -- w:sdt

makeLOF :: (PandocMonad m) => WriterOptions -> WS m [Element]
makeLOF opts = do
let lofCmd = "TOC \\h \\z \\t \"Image Caption\" \\c" :: Text
lofTitle <- B.toList <$> B.text <$> translateTerm Term.ListOfFigures
title <- withParaPropM (pStyleM "TOC Heading") (blocksToOpenXML opts [Para lofTitle])
[mknode "w:sdt" [] [
mknode "w:sdtPr" [] (
mknode "w:docPartObj" []
[mknode "w:docPartGallery" [("w:val","List of Figures")] (),
mknode "w:docPartUnique" [] ()]
-- w:docPartObj
), -- w:sdtPr
mknode "w:sdtContent" [] (title ++ [ Elem $
mknode "w:p" [] (
mknode "w:r" [] [
mknode "w:fldChar" [("w:fldCharType","begin"),("w:dirty","true")] (),
mknode "w:instrText" [("xml:space","preserve")] lofCmd,
mknode "w:fldChar" [("w:fldCharType","separate")] (),
mknode "w:fldChar" [("w:fldCharType","end")] ()
] -- w:r
) -- w:p
]) -- w:sdtContent
]] -- w:sdt

makeLOT :: (PandocMonad m) => WriterOptions -> WS m [Element]
makeLOT opts = do
let lotCmd = "TOC \\h \\z \\t \"Table Caption\" \\c" :: Text
lotTitle <- B.toList <$> B.text <$> translateTerm Term.ListOfTables
title <- withParaPropM (pStyleM "TOC Heading") (blocksToOpenXML opts [Para lotTitle])
[mknode "w:sdt" [] [
mknode "w:sdtPr" [] (
mknode "w:docPartObj" []
[mknode "w:docPartGallery" [("w:val","List of Tables")] (),
mknode "w:docPartUnique" [] ()]
-- w:docPartObj
), -- w:sdtPr
mknode "w:sdtContent" [] (title ++ [ Elem $
mknode "w:p" [] (
mknode "w:r" [] [
mknode "w:fldChar" [("w:fldCharType","begin"),("w:dirty","true")] (),
mknode "w:instrText" [("xml:space","preserve")] lotCmd,
mknode "w:fldChar" [("w:fldCharType","separate")] (),
mknode "w:fldChar" [("w:fldCharType","end")] ()
] -- w:r
) -- w:p
]) -- w:sdtContent
]] -- w:sdt

-- | Convert Pandoc document to rendered document contents plus two lists of
-- OpenXML elements (footnotes and comments).
writeOpenXML :: PandocMonad m
Expand All @@ -178,6 +229,8 @@ writeOpenXML :: PandocMonad m
writeOpenXML opts (Pandoc meta blocks) = do
setupTranslations meta
let includeTOC = writerTableOfContents opts || lookupMetaBool "toc" meta
let includeLOF = writerListOfFigures opts || lookupMetaBool "lof" meta
let includeLOT = writerListOfTables opts || lookupMetaBool "lot" meta
abstractTitle <- case lookupMeta "abstract-title" meta of
Just (MetaBlocks bs) -> pure $ stringify bs
Just (MetaInlines ils) -> pure $ stringify ils
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -224,13 +277,23 @@ writeOpenXML opts (Pandoc meta blocks) = do
toc <- if includeTOC
then makeTOC opts
else return []
lof <- if includeLOF
then makeLOF opts
else return []
lot <- if includeLOT
then makeLOT opts
else return []
metadata <- metaToContext opts
(fmap (vcat . map (literal . showContent)) . blocksToOpenXML opts)
(fmap (hcat . map (literal . showContent)) . inlinesToOpenXML opts)
let context = resetField "body" body
. resetField "toc"
(vcat (map (literal . showElement) toc))
. resetField "lof"
(vcat (map (literal . showElement) lof))
. resetField "lot"
(vcat (map (literal . showElement) lot))
. resetField "title" title
. resetField "subtitle" subtitle
. resetField "author" author
Expand Down
2 changes: 2 additions & 0 deletions src/Text/Pandoc/Writers/LaTeX.hs
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -194,6 +194,8 @@ pandocToLaTeX options (Pandoc meta blocks) = do
$ lookupMetaInlines "nocite" meta

let context = defField "toc" (writerTableOfContents options) $
defField "lof" (writerListOfFigures options) $
defField "lot" (writerListOfTables options) $
defField "toc-depth" (tshow
(writerTOCDepth options -
if stHasChapters st
Expand Down

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