ZSH plugin for working with RC branches. Typically useful in the following workflow
- Work is done on feature branches
- A branch suffix of "-rc" signals to CI that it should produce an artifact for the branch
> git checkout -b feature/foo
Switched to a new branch 'feature/foo'
# Easily switch back and forth, RC branch will be created if it doesn't exists
> rc
Switched to a new branch 'feature/foo-rc'
> rc
Switched to branch 'feature/foo'
# RC branch will always be hard reset to non-rc branch
> git commit --allow-empty -m "Foo"
[feature/foo bf6d376] Foo
> rc
Switched to branch 'feature/foo-rc'
HEAD is now at bf6d376 Foo
antibody bundle jgogstad/zsh-rc
antigen bundle jgogstad/zsh-rc
zplug "jgogstad/zsh-rc"
Plain zsh
Add to .zshrc
. /path/to/zsh-rc.plugin.zsh