View all the directives in action at
- Angular (requires Angular 2 or higher, tested with 2.0.0)
Install above dependencies via npm.
Now install simple-ngx-policy
npm install --save simple-ngx-policy
Note:If you are using
, you should adjust your configuration to point to the UMD bundle. In your systemjs config file,map
needs to tell the System loader where to look forsimple-ngx-policy
map: {
'simple-ngx-policy': 'node_modules/simple-ngx-policy/bundles/simple-ngx-policy.umd.js',
Once installed you need to import the main module:
import { SnpModule } from 'simple-ngx-policy';
The only remaining part is to list the imported module in your application module. The exact method will be slightly
different for the root (top-level) module for which you should end up with the code similar to (notice SnpModule .forRoot()
import { SnpModule } from 'simple-ngx-policy';
declarations: [AppComponent, ...],
imports: [SnpModule.forRoot(), ...],
bootstrap: [AppComponent]
export class AppModule {
Other modules in your application can simply import SnpModule
import { SnpModule } from 'simple-ngx-policy';
declarations: [OtherComponent, ...],
imports: [SnpModule, ...],
export class OtherModule {
✔ parses default parameter into namespace/module/resource
✔ parses provided string parameter into namespace/module/resource
✔ parses only first three chunks of provided resource string into namespace/module/resource
✔ parses provided "namespace:module:" string parameter into namespace/module/resource
✔ parses provided "namespace::" string parameter into namespace/module/resource
✔ parses provided "::" string parameter into namespace/module/resource
✔ parses provided "::employees" string parameter into namespace/module/resource
✔ parses provided ":human-resources:employees" string parameter into namespace/module/resource
✔ parses default parameter into module/component/action/ statement members
✔ parses provided parameter into module/component/action/ statement members
✔ parses provided "one chunk string" parameter into module/component/action/ statement members
✔ parses provided "two chunk string" parameter into module/component/action/ statement members
✔ parses provided "three chunk string" parameter into module/component/action/ statement members
✔ parses provided "one chunk and a colon string" parameter into module/component/action/ statement members
✔ parses provided "one chunk and two colons string" parameter into module/component/action/ statement members
✔ parses provided "three chunk and two colons string" parameter into module/component/action/ statement members
✔ parses provided "two colons and a chunk string" parameter into module/component/action/ statement members
✔ parses provided "one colon and two chunks string" parameter into module/component/action/ statement members
Has 'providePolicy' static method which
✔ Provides 'empty' SnpPolicy when called with no parameters
✔ Uses default config 'defaultPolicyConstraint' when no constraint is specified in SnpModule.forRoot(config: SnpConfig)
✔ Accepts constraint and provides a policy with given constraint
✔ Provides SnpStatement and SnpResource from parameter strings
Has 'canAccess' static method which compares SnpPolicy against a list of SnpPolicies[]
When SnpModules' 'defaultPolicyConstraint' is configured to 'ALLOW' (default)
✔ Returns TRUE for 'empty' policy and 'empty list'
✔ Returns FALSE for 'empty' policy and 'empty list' when policies' constraint is DISALLOW
✔ Returns TRUE for 'empty' policy and 'empty list' when policies' constraint is ALLOWED
✔ Returns TRUE for empty 'policy' when list is provided (not empty)
✔ Returns FALSE for empty 'policy' with constraints set to DISALLOW when list is provided (not empty)
✔ Returns TRUE for empty 'policy' with constraints set to ALLOWED when list is provided (not empty)
✔ Returns TRUE if the policy is not in the list
✔ Returns FALSE if the policy with constraint DISALLOW is not in the list
✔ Returns TRUE if the policy's statement is on the list AND policy's resources match
✔ Returns TRUE if the policy's statement is on the list AND policy's resources match AND policy's constraint is DISALLOW
✔ Returns TRUE if the policy's statement is on the list AND policy's resources match AND policy's constraint is ALLOWED
✔ Returns FALSE if the policy's statement is on the list BUT resources does not match
✔ Returns FALSE if the policy's statement is on the list BUT resources does not match and policy's constraint is DISALLOW
✔ Returns FALSE if the policy's statement is on the list BUT resources does not match and policy's constraint is ALLOWED
When SnpModule 'defaultPolicyConstraint' is configured to 'DISALLOW' (provided in SnpModule.forRoot(config: SnpConfig))
✔ Returns FALSE for 'empty' policy when list is not provided
✔ Returns TRUE for 'empty' policy with constraints ALLOW when list is not provided
✔ Returns FALSE for empty policy when list is provided (not empty)
✔ Returns TRUE for empty with constraint ALLOWED policy when list is provided (not empty)
✔ Returns FALSE if policy is not in the list
✔ Returns TRUE if policy with constraint ALLOW is not in the list
✔ Returns TRUE if policy's statement is on the list AND policy's resources match
✔ Returns TRUE if policy's statement is on the list AND policy's resources match AND policy's constraints is DISALLOW
✔ Returns FALSE if the policy's statement is on the list BUT resources does not match
✔ Returns FALSE if the policy's statement is on the list BUT resources does not match AND policy's constraint is ALLOWED
✔ has default configuration
Copyright (c) 2017 jgololicic. Licensed under the MIT License (MIT)