Clone this project into your repository to get started.
Prerequisite: Docker is required for this project, which means you need to install either Docker for Windows or Docker on your Linux system beforehand.
- Open a CLI or Shell and navigate to the folder where the "docker-compose.yml" file was placed.
- Run the following command to deploy an Apache Kafka development instance: "docker-compose up -d".
- Run the command "docker container ls" to get a list of running containers and to find out the name of the Kafka container.
- Run the command "docker container exec -it <name_of_kafka_container> ./bin/bash" to get access to the Kafka container.
- Run the command "cd opt/bitnami/kafka/bin".
- Run the command " --create --topic cities --bootstrap-server localhost:9092" to create a Kafka topic where all your records are stored.
Now you can start to process data with the Kafka Producer and Consumer.
To produce data into the Kafka topic "cities", just configure your run configurations to execute the class. To consume data from the Kafka topic "cities", just configure your run configurations to execute the class.