Config files for everything I use, except awesome
, which is in its own repo.
Files should be symlinked to their appropriate locations. Pulling this repo will update configs automatically.
These are all the packages to be installed on a new machine.
- Base System
- intel-ucode
- dkms
- broadcom-wl-dkms
- networkmanager
- coreutils
- base-devel / build-essential
- clang
- zsh
- git
- zsh-zap
- rustup
- neovim
- wl-clipboard
- pipewire
- pipewire-pulse
- pipewire-zeroconf
- Rust Packages
- eza
- rm-improved
- cargo-update
- starship
- rmpc
- yazi
- Graphical System
- ly
- niri
- xorg-xwayland
- xwayland-satellite
- powerkit (AUR)
- waybar
- swaylock
- waypaper
- swaybg
- gvfs
- gvfs-smb
- gvfs-mtp
- android-file-transfer
- sshfs
- thunar
- thunar-archive-plugin
- thunar-media-tags-plugin
- thunar-volman
- tumbler
- ffmpegthumbnailer
- qimgv-git (AUR)
- usbutils
- firefox
- ttf-fira-code
- ttf-symbola (AUR)
- kitty
- gparted
- pipewire-audio
- paprefs
- pavucontrol
- rsync
- mpd
- mpc
- ncmpcpp
- qimgv (AUR)
- lxappearance
- materia-gtk-theme
- atril
- zip
- unzip
- xarchiver