GDK is a cross-platform, cross-language library for Blockstream Green wallets.
Read the API documentation at
For Debian Bullseye:
sudo ./tools/
For Mac OSX:
Install Xcode and brew if not installed, then
brew update && brew install ninja automake autoconf libtool gnu-sed python3 pkg-config swig (optional) gnu-getopt gnu-tar
pip3 install --user meson
xcode-select --install
Install rust dependencies:
Install rustup:
curl --proto '=https' --tlsv1.2 -sSf | sh
Install default rust toolchain:
rustup install 1.56.0
Install additional rust targets:
rustup target add aarch64-linux-android armv7-linux-androideabi i686-linux-android x86_64-linux-android x86_64-pc-windows-gnu aarch64-apple-ios x86_64-apple-ios
You may also need to change your PATH environment variable to add $HOME/Library/Python/3.X/bin
If you want to target Android you will need to download the NDK and set the ANDROID_NDK env variable to the directory you uncompress it to, for example
export ANDROID_NDK=$HOME/Downloads/ndk
or you can add it to your bash profile ~/.bash_profile
Java bindings can be built by installing swig as explained above and setting JAVA_HOME to the location of the JDK.
tools/ <options>
Options exist to build for a particular configuration/platform (flags in squared brackets are optional):
--ndk [armeabi-v7a arm64-v8a x86 x86_64]
--iphone [static]
for example
tools/ --gcc
Build output is placed in build-<target>
, e.g. build-clang
, build-gcc
You can quickly run a single targets build from the build-<target>
sub-directory using:
This doesn't require any of the previous steps but requires docker installed; it will build the project
docker build -t greenaddress_sdk - < tools/Dockerfile
docker run -v $PWD:/sdk greenaddress_sdk
This will build the sdk with clang by default
if you want to change it for example to ndk armeabi-v7a:
docker run -v $PWD:/sdk greenaddress/ci bash -c "cd /sdk && ./tools/ --ndk armeabi-v7a"
By default the build type is release. A debug build can specified as
tools/ --buildtype=debug --clang
tools/ --buildtype=debugoptimized --clang
for a debug optimized build.
By default builds use link time optimisation. It can be disabled when invoking For example
tools/ --lto=false --clang
To build using clang-analyzer use
tools/ --analyze --clang
The clang-tidy targets are enabled if found in the PATH. Extra options exist to specify version of it,
tools/ --clang-tidy-version=7 --clang
then use as follows
ninja src/clang-tidy
A sanitizer build can be invoked using
tools/ --sanitizer=<type> --gcc
where <type>
is any available sanitizer of your choice and available on the toolchain being used.
A different compiler version can be specified as
tools/ --compiler-version=<version>
which allows for multiple side by side installs of compilers in common linux distributions.
Use clang-5.0, no LTO, enable clang-tidy and debug build
./tools/ --compiler-version=5.0 --buildtype=debug --lto=false --clang-tidy-version=5.0 --clang
Use address sanitizer with gcc-7, no LTO, enable clang-tidy and debug build
./tools/ --compiler-version=7 --buildtype=debug --lto=false --sanitizer=address --clang-tidy-version=5.0 --gcc
Use clang-analyzer (it'll analyze GDK and its direct dependencies)
./tools/ --analyze --clang
Use tools/
, for example to upgrade wally
./tools/ -l libwally-core -s 987575025520d18bac31e6e2d27c8c936d812c64 -u
Java and Python wrappers are available if SWIG is installed.
If JAVA_HOME is set while the library is built, a Java wrapper is built exposing the API.
Similarly, if --python-version
is passed to tools/
a Python wrapper is built, for example:
./tools/ --install $PWD --gcc --python-version 3.9
A swift wrapper is available at GreenAddress.swift.