With one command, you can setup and encrypt your environment variables.
pip3 install encryptoenv
Encrypto-env is a cli tool that makes it easy to setup, encrypt, and access environment variables for your personal projects. To encrypt the .env file, an RSA key is used (stored in a pem file). The user can then access the environment variables by specifying the location of the .env file and RSA key in their own program.
By default, when the encrpytoenv command is run, the following files will be created:
- cwd/
- env/
- my_key.pem
- .env
- env/
- creates env directory in the current working directory
- creates my_key.pem, the RSA key, in the env directory
- creates .env, the file holding the variables, in the env directory
$ encryptoenv -a "USERNAME=jgrugru" "PASSWORD=Password1234" -E
This command:
- creates an ./env dir in the current directory.
- creates ./env/.env file in the current directory.
- creates ./env/my_key.pem
- -a option adds variables in the .env file
- -E option encrypts the .env file with the specified key, in this case, the default "my_key.pem"
Once encrypted, your variables can be accessed within your own program after adding one line of code.
from encryptoenv.EnvFile import EnvFile
If all the files are in the default location and the env/ file is in your current working directory, you can add the line of code above without any chances. If your files are not in the default location, you can specify each path or specify only the environment path if the filenames are the same.
If you need to set the .env filename or pem filename, you can do so through key word arguments:
EnvFile(environment_path='.\ENV\', filename='env.txt', pem_filename='RSA_KEY.pem').create_environment_variables()
$ python encryptoenv/main.py -h
usage: encrypto-env [options] path
Encrypt the contents of your .env file with an RSA key.
optional arguments:
-h, --help show this help message and exit
-p pem_filepath, --pem-file pem_filepath
The pem filepath relative to the environment path folder
--environment-path env_path
Default is 'env' dir. Default dir for RSA key and .env
-a var [var ...], --add-variable var [var ...]
Add variables to the .env file
--clear Clear the contents of the .env file
--dot-env-file dot_env_file
The .env filepath relative to the environment path folder
-v, --verbose Verbose ouptut
--version show program's version number and exit
-E, --Encrypt Encrypt .env file
-D, --Decrypt Decrypt .env file
--no-key Disables creation of my_key.pem file
-l, --list-variables List the variable names stored in the .env file
If your pem and .env file are not in the default locations, you may find yourself typing out the filepaths for each command repeatedly. To avoid this, your parameters can be stored in a txt file.
You can create a txt file that looks something like this:
You can add these parameters from the text file by using the @ symbol:
$ python encryptoenv/main.py @my_parameters.txt
You can also add additional arguments:
$ python encryptoenv/main.py @my_parameters.txt -a "USERNAME=jgrugru" -E