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Repository for code related to "Predicate Representations and Polysemy in VerbNet Semantic Parsing"

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Semantic Role Labeling with VerbNet Classes

Code used for experiments for the IWCS 2021 paper Predicate Representations and Polysemy in VerbNet Semantic Parsing. This repository is cloned from



We use a subset of SemLink 1.1 with VerbNet roles fully mapped to PropBank for our experiments.

You'll need at a minimum:

  • A copy of the Penn Treebank Treebank-3 release through LDC
  • Perl, with Perl modules from srlconll-1.1.tgz installed
    • e.g. export PERL5LIB=$HOME/soft/srlconll-1.1/lib:$PERL5LIB

Run the provided script at verbnet-parsing-iwcs-2021/scripts/semlink/ from the root of this repo:

scripts/semlink/ --ptb path/to/ptb/parsed/mrg/
--roleset both \
--senses vn \
--brown data/datasets/conll-brown-release/prop.txt

This should result in the following files:

  • semlink1.1/vn.both-train.txt
  • semlink1.1/vn.both-valid.txt
  • semlink1.1/vn.both-test-wsj.txt
  • semlink1.1/vn.both-test-brown.txt

Each file should have PropBank and VerbNet thematic roles with VerbNet classes:

 0 0 Ford NNP - - (ARG0$Agent* * 
 0 1 Motor NNP - - * * 
 0 2 Co. NNP - - *) * 
 0 3 said VBD 37.7 say (V*) * 
 0 5 it PRP - - (ARG1$Topic* (ARG0$Agent*) 
 0 6 acquired VBD 13.5.2-1 acquire * (V*) 
 0 7 5 CD - - * (ARG1$Theme* 
 0 8 % NN - - * * 
 0 9 of IN - - * * 
 0 10 the DT - - * * 
 0 11 shares NNS - - * * 
 0 12 in IN - - * * 
 0 13 Jaguar NNP - - * * 
 0 14 PLC NNP - - *) *) 
 0 15 . . - - * * 


Given that this project uses an earlier version of Tensorflow which is incompatible with the latest version of Cuda, it's easier to use Docker to run:

  1. Install Docker.
  2. Install NVIDIA Container Toolkit.
  3. Download the Tensorflow 1.13.2 docker image:
docker pull tensorflow/tensorflow:1.13.2-gpu-py3
  1. Clone this repo if you haven't already, then run the TF image in a container in interactive mode:
git clone
cd verbnet-parsing-iwcs-2021
docker run --gpus all -it --rm -v $PWD:/tmp -w /tmp tensorflow/tensorflow:1.13.2-gpu-py3
  1. You should now be inside the container. Install dependencies and call the trainer CLI:
pip install -r requirements.txt && export PYTHONPATH=/tmp/tfnlp: && python tfnlp/
  1. If all succeeded, you should see a help message.


Running on CPU is not recommended for training, but can be done for inference. You'll need the following:

  • Python 3.7
  • virtualenv

Create a virtual environment, install dependencies for the repository and try to run the CLI:

virtualenv -p python3.7 ~/.venvs/tfnlp
source ~/.venvs/tfnlp/bin/activate
cd verbnet-parsing-iwcs-2021
pip install -r requirements-cpu.txt && export PYTHONPATH=$PYTHONPATH:`pwd` && python3.7 tfnlp/

You should see a help message if all was successful.


You can train and evaluate a model using the trainer CLI.

To train and evaluate the baseline model on PropBank roles, use:

python tfnlp/ \
--config iwcs-2021-config/baseline-config-pb.json \
--job-dir iwcs-2021/baseline-pb \
--resources data/ \
--train semlink1.1/vn.both-train.txt \
--valid semlink1.1/vn.both-valid.txt \
--test semlink1.1/vn.both-test-wsj.txt,semlink1.1/vn.both-test-brown.txt

Training typically completes in less than 2 hours on a GTX 1080TI. Output will be saved to the directory given by --job-dir, in this case iwcs-2021/baseline-pb.


A complete table of possible configs in iwcs-2021-config/ is given below:

Config Paper Name Description
baseline-config-pb.json Baseline BERT baseline PropBank SRL model
baseline-config-vn.json Baseline BERT baseline VerbNet SRL model
joint-srl-vsd-pb.json SRL + VSD Multitask PropBank SRL/VerbNet classification model
joint-srl-vsd-vn.json SRL + VSD Multitask VerbNet SRL/VerbNet classification model
joint-srl-vsd-cond-pb.json SRL | VSD Multitask PropBank SRL/VerbNet classification model, SRL conditioned on VerbNet class predictions
joint-srl-vsd-cond-vn.json SRL | VSD Multitask VerbNet SRL/VerbNet classification model, SRL conditioned on VerbNet class predictions
predicted-class-pb.json Predicted Class PropBank SRL model with predicted VerbNet classes as features
predicted-class-vn.json Predicted Class VerbNet SRL model with predicted VerbNet classes as features
all-classes-pb.json All Classes PropBank SRL model with all possible VerbNet classes for each predicate as features
all-classes-vn.json All Classes VerbNet SRL model with all possible VerbNet classes for each predicate as features
gold-class-pb.json Gold Class PropBank SRL model with gold VerbNet classes as features
gold-class-vn.json Gold Class VerbNet SRL model with gold VerbNet classes as features


Repository for code related to "Predicate Representations and Polysemy in VerbNet Semantic Parsing"






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