This solution provides two different ways to enable passkey authentication within an SSO structure that does not directly support it (namely Microsoft ADFS).
You have an ldap containing the passkey information. The information is saved in ldap attributes as proposed here. The passkey base library used is fido2-net-lib
The extension interface of ADFS is rather limited and does not allow for easy integration of passkey authentication. It's however possible to use a local (as in localhost on the ADFS server) webserver to handle the passkey authentication in a modern and more flexible way.
ADFS loads an IAuthencitationAdapter
that is able to detect if a user has Passkeys available via an ActiveDirectory query.
Then ADFS will make an http request to passkey handler (a localhost service), that will create the assertion options and specifically the challenge for FIDO2 Passkey authentication.
The assertion options are embedded into the adfs context AND html output and sent to the user agent.
The user agent will process the passkey authentication flow and create an assertion response, that is sent back to the ADFS.
The assertion options from the ADFS context object as well as the assertion response from the user agent are sent back to the aforementioned passkey handler and processed there.
If the assertion is valid the handler will answer with HTTP 200 (OK) and the IAuthenticationAdapter
will signal successfull MFA logon to ADFS.
There's three things that need to be deployed:
- JGUZDV.ADFS.PasskeyAuthenticationAdapter (GAC)
- JGUZDV.ADFS.PasskeyHandler (local Windows Service)
- VC++ Runtime
If you wan't to build it yourself, you'll need msbuild, since the PasskeyHandler uses COM. The commands are:
PasskeyAuthenticationAdapter> dotnet publish -c Release
PasskeyHandler> msbuild.exe -t:publish -p:Configuration=Release
Copy the files over to the ADFS servers - I'll assume C:\Passkey\Adapter and .\Handler but you might want to use Program Files.
To deploy to the GAC a few lines of powershell will be sufficient:
$deployPath = "C:\Passkey\Adapter\"
[System.Reflection.Assembly]::Load("System.EnterpriseServices, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=b03f5f7f11d50a3a")
$publish = New-Object System.EnterpriseServices.Internal.Publish
Stop-Service adfssrv
$items = Get-ChildItem $binaryPath -Recurse -Include "JGUZDV.*.dll";
$items | % { $publish.GacInstall($_.FullName) };
Start-Service adfssrv
Create a config file C:\Passkey\Adapter\AdapterConfig.json
"PasskeyHandlerUrl": "http://localhost:5000",
"LdapServer": "",
"SearchBaseDN": "OU=Users,DC=MyDomain,DC=com"
Register the module in ADFS:
Register-AdfsAuthenticationProvider -Name "FIDO2Passkey" `
-TypeName "JGUZDV.ADFS.PasskeyAuthenticationAdapter.AuthenticationAdapter, JGUZDV.ADFS.PasskeyAuthenticationAdapter, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=7c2a44869db3d938" `
-ConfigurationFilePath "C:\Passkey\AdapterConfig.json"
Modify the config file C:\Passkey\Handler\appsettings.json
// ...
"Fido2": {
"ServerDomain": "",
"ServerName": "A server name",
"Origins": [ "" ],
"ChallengeSize": 32
"ActiveDirectory": {
"Server": "",
"BaseOu": "OU=Users,DC=MyDomain,DC=com"
We'll register it as windows service, so it gets automatically started with the machine
New-Service -Name ADFSPasskeyHandler -BinaryPathName "C:\Passkey\Handler\JGUZDV.ADFS.PasskeyHandler.exe"
Start-Service -Name ADFSPasskeyHandler
Since ADFS does not allow primary authentication methods to be 2FA'd in any useful way, we are moving the passkey authentication into a SAML2 IDP, that'll have it's own webpage and logic, allowing anyone authenticating with a passkey to use it as two-factor authentication in a single step. ADFS will use the IDP as ClaimProviderTrust and we're injecting all claims neccessary to make ADFS think it's already been authenticated with multiple factors.
... to be continued