Use your own CartoDB tables with Google Maps (version 3).
Using the library is really easy, you'll only need:
- Your CartoDB user name.
- A public table.
- A query.
The library accepts certain params to manage the cartodb layer:
- map_canvas: The DOM element id where the map is
- map: The Google map object create before
- username: Your CartoDB user name
- table_name: Your CartoDB table name
- query: A query to experiment with
- map_key: If your table is private, you'll need the map_key parameter
- map_style: Show the same style as you defined in CartoDB
- infowindow: If you want to add interactivity to the layer, showing the infowindow (If you want to show specific columns, it must be a query, adding it 'WHERE cartodb_id={{feature}}', later it will be replace by the clicked cartodb_id. cartodb_id and the_geom_webmercator are REQUIRED parameters)
- tile_style: If you want to add other style to the layer
- autobound: If you want to zoom in the area where the layer is positioned
- debug: If you want to debug the library, set to true
Note: If you choose a CartoDB private table you'll need to authenticate for using API methods.
First of all create your map:
var map = new google.maps.Map(document.getElementById('map_canvas'), {
center: new google.maps.LatLng(20,0),
zoom: 3,
mapTypeId: google.maps.MapTypeId.ROADMAP,
mapTypeControl: false});
And then add the cartodb layer:
var cartodb_gmapsv3 = new google.maps.CartoDBLayer({
map_canvas: 'map_canvas',
map: map,
table_name: 'test',
query: "SELECT cartodb_id,the_geom_webmercator,description FROM test",
tile_style: "#test{line-color:#719700;line-width:1;line-opacity:0.6;polygon-opacity:0.6;}",
map_key: "6087bc5111352713a81a48491078f182a0541f6c",
map_style: true,
infowindow: "SELECT cartodb_id,the_geom_webmercator,description FROM test WHERE cartodb_id={{feature}}",
auto_bound: true,
debug: false});
New funcionalities are coming, in the meantime you can use:
- update: It needs a new query to work. Example: cartodb_gmapsv3.update('SELECT * FROM test WHERE cartodb_id>2');
- destroy: Removes the cartodb layer from the map. Example: cartodb_gmapsv3.destroy();
- hide: Hide the cartodb layer from the map (For now, hide and destroy are the same, but will be replace in the future).
- show: Show again the cartodb layer in the map. Example:;
- isVisible: Returns if cartodb layer is visible or not. Example: cartodb_gmapsv3.isVisible(); -> true | false