A simple remote-control robotic arm controlled by two joysticks and servo motors.
Materials | Quantity | Remarks |
Arduino Nano | 2 | |
nRF24L01 | 2 | |
SG90 Servo Motor | 5 | or any other servo motor |
Joystick | 2 | |
10kΩ Resistor | 2 | pull-up resistor for joystick button |
10kΩ Potentiometer | 2 | |
Type-C socket | 2 | if your nano not Type-C interface |
100uF Capacitor | 2 | |
Red LED | 1 | optional |
220Ω Resistor | 1 | optional with LED |
Buzzer | 1 | optional |
Popsicle Stick | or any other strong material | |
Wires | ||
Pin Headers |