Sogang University 2014 Embedded System Software
This embedded system software is made for embedded linux system on ARM architecture in Ubuntu 13.10 system on x64 architecture. ACHRO 4210 Exynos (Huins board) is used as target board.
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[]( By using device drivers and IPCs, implement stop-watch, text editor and custom mode
###Progress '14. 04. 08.
- created basic structure of IPC between input-main-output processes using shared memory
- working on stop-watch using FND driver
'14. 04. 10.
- modified some of define variables (FND for mmap)
- basic stop watch function is working now
- renewed code for better readability
'14. 04. 11.
- when changed to mode2, input process self is held by mode 2
- found out /dev/input/event1 is blocking input device
'14. 04. 12.
- divided input process in two (event key process, input process)
- renewed code again for better modularity
- stop-watch mode (mode 1) is working properly
- still working on text editor mode (mode 2)
- typing count display is not working properly (default value is set to 150. why?)
- fpga_push_switch is working little awkwardly
- need to implement clear lcd function and typing functions (alphabet & numeric)
'14. 04. 13.
- typing count works properly
- text editor mode (mode 2) works properly now
- found issue : initial count is set to 3000. if button pressed, count works properly
- thinking about what to make for mode 3
'14. 04. 15.
- replace original main file to re-factorized file
- better response of text typing (improvement of algoritm)
- free all shared memory after program terminates
- better performance overall with better refresh
- trying basic stuff on mode 3
'14. 04. 16.
- made custom mode with basic stuff (tired)
- some modification of memory allocations with devices closing
###Result Completed all the requirements includeing custom mode with documentation
Implement program with system call programming, module programming and device driver implementation
- Create a module including device drivers and timer module
- Create system call to return a variable with input of multiple parameters
- Create application to print by using created module and system call
'14. 05. 07.
- analyze requirements and plan for project
'14. 05. 08.
- analyze given examples of device driver and it's application
'14. 05. 20.
- creating basic frame work of module
- implemented system call (create a value from multiple parameters)
- basic framework of application done
'14. 05. 21.
- application completed (not yet tested)
- system call for kernel completed
- module is still work is progress
- finding hard to unite all device drivers
'14. 05. 22.
- most of module implementation is complete
- start to working on text lcd and dot drivers
- application test complete
- system call test complete
- all module device integration complete and works properly
- need to modify characters printed on the device
- modified characters printed on the device
- all requirements are finished
- plan to modify code to ioctl style
'14. 05. 24.
- documentating the project
###Result Completed all the requirements with documentation
Implement simple stopwatch program with module programming, device driver implementation, interrupt and etc
- Develop module that has function of stopwatch with gpio fnd device driver, timer module and interrupt in it
- Develop application that runs with the module above
'14. 05. 27.
- start to analize requirements of the project
'14. 05. 29.
- basic internal stopwatch function finished
- need to be printed on the FND device
- quit button has to be done
- rough draft of app (has to be modified)
'14. 06. 02.
- time print on fnd device complete
- have problem with termination
- device freeze after terminate
'14. 06. 03.
- fixed known bug (device freezing)
- complete of assignment 3 (all requirements satisfied)
- little modification of time counting
'14. 06. 04.
- few modification of source code
- removal of unnecessary codes
###Result Completed all the requirements with documetation
Implement simple java application program
- Develop executable application on the board
- Develop all buttons with linear layout
This assignment is concurrently developing with assignment 3
'14. 06. 03.
- start to working on android application running on the board
- main acitivity is complete
- music activity is complete
- proc parsing & puzzle game activity has to be done
'14. 06. 04.
- rough draft of proc parsing
- working on layout of dynamic button creation
'14. 06. 05.
- modifiying incomplete functions
- fixing bugs
'14. 06. 06.
- finished all requirements
Completed all the requirements with documentation
By using JNI functions in Java environment, implement Assignment 1, 2, 3, 4 by controlling device driver
'14. 06. 24.
- implemented basic layout of application required
- implemented puzzle game in java (not yet implemented app->board)
- application termination complete
- working on JNI
'14. 06. 26.
- implemented text editor, figure switch
- JNI implementation only (App->board)
- Need to do board->app
'14. 06. 27.
- implemented all functions except custom mode
- Need to work on board->app
- implemented text editor board->app
'14. 06. 28.
- complete of text editor
- complete of figrue switch
- working on watch mode
'14. 06. 29.
- completed all the requirements + custom mode
Completed all the requirements with documentation
Thanks for viewing this repository.
This is the end of the Sogang Univ. 2014 Embedded System Software