Mixed formulation of the finite element method for the Poisson equation
This is an almost direct translation of the MATLAB implementation described in the (Bahriawat, 2005) and available here. Currently only the EBmfem method is available.
You can find the data structures of inputs and outputs for examples given in Sections 3.1 and 9.1. They are currently in the data
folder, as well as images of the obtained fields (displacement and fluxes).
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The documents are licensed under Creative Commons Attribution License.
For the nature of this project at the moment, we do not expect a lot of contributions outside of our research team. Nevertheless, having some guidelines such as style (linting, name variables) is a good practice. Regarding commits, we are using emojis in the commit messages following gitmoji's recommendations.
Bahriawati, C. & Carstensen, C. (2005). Three Matlab Implementations of the Lowest-order Raviart-Thomas Mfem with a Posteriori Error Control. Computational Methods in Applied Mathematics, 5(4), 333-361. https://doi.org/10.2478/cmam-2005-0016