Pure golang implementation for timewheel.
To start using timewheel, install Go and run go get
$ go get github.com/jhunters/timewheel
create timewheel
// 初始化时间轮
// 第一个参数为tick刻度, 即时间轮多久转动一次
// 第二个参数为时间轮槽slot数量
tw, err := timewheel.New(100*time.Millisecond, 300)
if err != nil {
add delay task
// create a task bind with key, data and time out call back function.
t := &timewheel.Task{
Data: map[string]int{"uid": 105626, "age": 100}, // business data
TimeoutCallback: func(task timewheel.Task) { // call back function on time out
// process someting after time out happened.
fmt.Println("time out:", task.Delay(), task.Key, task.Data, task.Elasped())
// add task and return unique task id
taskid, err := tw.AddTask(5*time.Second, *t) // add delay task
remove delay task
check task
close time wheel