This program compiles JLite code to arm assembly code.
- lexing done using JFlex via regular grammar rules
- parsing done using Cup via context free grammar rules
- semantic checks (Name and type checking)
- IR generation
- Code generation
- Register allocation done via constructing the interference graph
- and then running graph coloring (simplify and select)
- post optimization on generated arm assemble code
$ make
$ java -cp ./bin/java-cup-11b.jar:out Main <jlite source file here>
Test cases source files can be found at src/test/pa3/
When run with the -d
or --debug
flag, information such as those listed below will be printed to stdout.
- parse tree
- ir3 tree
- offset table (offset for spilled objects)
- variable webs
- interference graph
- register allocation
$ java -cp ./bin/java-cup-11b.jar:out Main src/test/pa3/pass/ -d
With this flag, assembly code will go thorough optimization passes to produce more efficiently code. Might take a little longer but WILL preserve correctness.
$ java -cp ./bin/java-cup-11b.jar:out Main src/test/pa3/pass/ -o
You can run the generated arm assembly code on an emulator like Gem5!
$ java -cp ./bin/java-cup-11b.jar:out Main > sample.s
$ arm-linux-gnueabi-gcc -c sample.s -o sample.o
$ arm-linux-gnueabi-gcc -o sample.bin sample.o --static
$ # depends on where your gem5 is located (path should be the same)
$ ./gem5/build/ARM/gem5.opt gem5/configs/example/ -c ./sample.o --output $PWD/output.txt
$ cat output.txt
To see how our compiler works, we will be compiling a simple factorial function.
class Main {
Void main() {
Factorial factorial;
factorial = new Factorial();
class Factorial {
Int recursive(Int n) {
if (n == 1) {
return 1;
} else {
return n * recursive(n - 1);
.asciz "%d"
.asciz "%s"
.asciz "true"
.asciz "false"
.asciz "null"
.asciz ""
.asciz "\\n"
.asciz "
.global main
.type main, %function
stmfd sp!, {fp, lr, v1, v2, v3, v4, v5}
add fp, sp, #24
sub sp, fp, #28
mov v4, a1
mov v2, a2
ldr a1, =#1
mov v1, #0
cmp a1, v2
moveq v1, #1
cmp v1, #1
beq l1
ldr a1, =#1
sub v3, v2, a1
mov a2, v3
mov a1, v4
bl Factorial_0(PLT)
mov v1, a1
mul a1, v1, v2
b Factorial_0_exit
b l2
ldr a1, =#1
b Factorial_0_exit
sub sp, fp, #24
ldmfd sp!, {fp, pc, v1, v2, v3, v4, v5}
stmfd sp!, {fp, lr, v1, v2, v3, v4, v5}
add fp, sp, #24
sub sp, fp, #28
mov v3, a1
mov v1, a2
ldr v4, =#1
b l4
mul v4, v1, v4
ldr a1, =#1
sub v1, v1, a1
ldr a1, =#0
mov v2, #0
cmp a1, v1
movlt v2, #1
cmp v2, #1
beq l3
mov a1, v4
b Factorial_1_exit
sub sp, fp, #24
ldmfd sp!, {fp, pc, v1, v2, v3, v4, v5}
stmfd sp!, {fp, lr, v1, v2, v3, v4, v5}
add fp, sp, #24
sub sp, fp, #28
mov a1, #4
bl malloc(PLT)
mov v1, a1
ldr a2, =#5
mov a1, v1
bl Factorial_0(PLT)
mov v2, a1
mov a2, v2
ldr a1, =_int
bl printf(PLT)
ldr a2, =S1
ldr a1, =_string
bl printf(PLT)
ldr a2, =#5
mov a1, v1
bl Factorial_1(PLT)
mov v2, a1
mov a2, v2
ldr a1, =_int
bl printf(PLT)
b Main_0_exit
sub sp, fp, #24
ldmfd sp!, {fp, pc, v1, v2, v3, v4, v5}